On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 09:24 -0800, Zach Tellman wrote:
>         There are few languages other than these that offer reasonable
>         performance, not worse than 2X slower than C,  but they tend
>         to be
>         memory hogs.  Java is one of them.   I cannot imagine every
>         seeing a top
>         chess program written in Java, or anything that is really
>         memory
>         intensive as good GO program tend to be.     Is any of the
>         2200+ GO
>         programs on CGOS written in anything other than C?
> To be fair, I did write an early version of Ergo in OCaml, and it was
> equally fast and arguably quite a bit cleaner.  I returned to C++
> because an OCaml library would be useful to probably no one but
> myself.  So if you want to release something to the public, I agree
> that C/C++ is the way to go.  Other than that, I don't think that
> computer go development has been extensive enough to argue that it's
> spanned all possible approaches.

I agree.   I was intentionally a bit provocative here as I want people
to comment on other languages that might qualify.   I had completely
forgotten about OCaml and that might very well be a possibility too.

- Don

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