Goncalos were on 7th of April. Just copying them here:
On frisbee Go itself I used the following definition:
1. An intended play must be legal -- no playing on top of a stone hoping
it 'falls' to the neighbor positions.
2. Unintentional plays that are illegal are nulled and don't imply a
desire to end the match.
3. The distribution of unintentional plays around the 4 neighbors is
constant even at the border where there are never 4 neighbors; "You hit
the target with prob. p, and its 4 neighbours with probability
(1-p)/4.". The residual probability at the border is not reused for
on-board plays.
4. Probability parameter p cannot be changed midgame, for simplification.
5. Technically, using the GTP, I assumed genmove_reg+play commands are
used, instead of genmove+undo+play or something frisbee specific. This
is probably stating the obvious.
Also your example for counting looked correct.

Also when trying to theoretically solve even very simple L+D
situations this game feels quite tricky for me and very different from
Go. Btw, for the theoretical question posed earlier (regarding the 3
point eye) I assumed the p to be the chance of deviation. Not the
chance to hit the target. So it would A) p=0.2, B) p=0.24, C) p=0.28
if we use p the way Goncalo defined it.

2016-04-12 13:29 GMT+02:00 "Ingo Althöfer" <3-hirn-ver...@gmx.de>:
> Hello MArc,
> thanks for your contribution.
>> I still haven't seen an exactly specified ruleset for this game.
>> Goncalo made some assumptions earlier, which were not yet confirmed.
> Oh, from what day is his posting?
>> Also I would strongly recommend to not have any clearup-methods
>> allowed, but all positions have to be cleared up by "hand" and all
>> stones on the board in the end are considered alive.
> Interesting proposal.
> To make sure that I understood you correctly, let's count an artificial 
> example
> position (on 9x9-board) where both players have passed intentionally:
> Final position:
> . x o . o . o . .
> o o o o o . . o .
> . . . . . . o . o
> x x x x . . o o x
> . . . x . o o x x
> . . . x . o . x .
> . . . x . o . x .
> x x x x . o o x o
> . . . . . . . x .
> "Chinese style counting" with all stones considered alive:
> - X O O O - O O O
> O O O O O - - O O
> - - - - - - O O O
> X X X X - - O O X
> X X X X - O O X X
> X X X X - O - X -
> X X X X - O - X -
> X X X X - O O X O
> - - - - - - - X -
> Cells with X count for player x,
> cells with O counts for player o,
> cells with - are neutral.
> Did I get it correctly?
> Ingo.
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