On Thu Nov 06 11:58 -0500, Austin wrote:
> On 11/06/2003 11:57:13 AM, Buchan Milne wrote:
> >You think CS is bad? We (B.Eng - Mech) started with 80 guys and 4
> >girls (one more joined us in 2nd year), 25 guys and no girls  
> >graduated at the end of the 4 year course. 3 girls left Engineering,  
> >2 changed to Industrial.
> Wow.
> Here in Canada, university enrollment is like 60% female IIRC.
> In science, it isn't quite as good, more like 50%.
> Graduate school in science, more like 40%, but still not bad at all.
> Go Canada!

In the US, it's a similar overall ratio, but most of the female
enrollment is in the mushy liberal arts...  CS and a few of the
engineering disciplines are about all that keeps the 55 females for 45
males ratio from getting even more skewed.  Indeed, some of the
exclusively liberal arts schools are actually having to institute
admissions preferences for males to ensure some level of diversity on

Levi Ramsey

Fate is just the weight of circumstances...
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