Le 23/08/10 18:58, Joseph P. Noel a écrit :
> Hi All. 
> I am running the latest release of COOT on my Mac running 10.6.4 from X11 
> quartz installed using Bill Scott's fink instructions. It runs fine. I have 
> just begun using scripts generated by Molprobity or just looking through my 
> models to make corrections based upon the drawing of probe dots. That all 
> works fine as well. However, I have found that COOT and X11 freezes after 
> several corrections of sites (on average I would say about 10-15 
> corrections). Everything freezes - screen and X11. I have to then force quite 
> X11 to regain control of things and start fresh. I began by just using the 
> COOT backups or saving a new set of corrected coordinates after each fix but 
> obviously this will take quite some time to thoroughly improve a large model. 
> I am including the recommended .coot file I found on the Molprobity site. If 
> anyone has any suggestions on how to eliminate these freezes I would be 
> eternally grateful!
> (define *probe-command* 
> "/Users/sandiegonoels/Sites/molprobity3/bin/macosx/probe")
> (define *reduce-command* 
> "/Users/sandiegonoels/Sites/molprobity3/bin/macosx/reduce")
> (set-do-probe-dots-on-rotamers-and-chis 1)
> (set-do-probe-dots-post-refine 1)
> Cheers!
> Joe Noel


We have experienced the same problem. But we haven't found a way to
reproduce the freezes consistently...


Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques (UMR6098)
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