I've seen this question before and I've read the docs, but I still can't seem to get a virtual domain working.
For the following example, assume I'm [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I want to create a local account to receive all E-mail
for users in domain two.com. (The domain names have been changed for this example.)
0. I've done a clean debian, stable installation with courier-mta, courier-imap, courier-authdaemon, courier-base and courier-pop.
I can sendmail locally and send to other machines.
1. I've modified /etc/courier/locals to include the following lines
2. I've created a local user "two".
3. As user two I've created a maildir (/home/two/Maildir) with maildirmake.
4. I've added the following line to my /etc/courier/aliases/system file:
@two.com:  two
5. I've compiled the above file with makealiases.
6. As user two I've created file /home/two/.courier-default with the following single line:
and made it world readable/executable. (I've also tried several variations of permissions and content ./Maildir -- same failed result.)
7. On the local machine, I send mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and it gets returned as undeliverable 550 user unknown

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