hi people!

i'm not sure if this mail reached you. could someone please help me?

thank you and best regards,

----- Forwarded message from Pablo Hoertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 04:34:26 +0200
From: Pablo Hoertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Courier User List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IMAP: Login failed

hello everybody!

i use courier-imap-ssl with procmail under debian gnu/linux. my mail is stored 
in ~/Maildir; authentification is done through pam. everything worked fine 
already (ssl-certificate got installed; asks for username and password) but some 
days ago my MUA (mutt) began to complain: "Login failed." :-(

does anyone know, what exactly could be broken? i did already have a similar 
problem when mail was delivered through /etc/procmailrc and not by ~/.procmailrc 
and thus was owned by user root, group mail instead of pablo/pablo (that's me). 
the user rights (file permissions) where set to 0600, i.e. only the user (in my 
case root *grin*) could open end change files. however, after i changed this 
everything worked fine. just to be sure, i changed everything to my (=pablo's) 
uid and gid - but nothing! maybe someone here has any hints?! :-|

----- End forwarded message -----


Pablo Hoertner                       | LONG LIVE THE RED PENGUIN AND THE
http://www.redtux.at.tf/contact.html | SOCIALIST WORKERS' WORLD REVOLUTION!

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