Joe Laffey writes:

Here is what I see in the log:

Apr 22 00:01:23 raw courierd: started,id=002DCE56.4261BA37.00004CD1,from=<>,module=dsn,host=,addr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Apr 22 00:01:23 raw courierd: Waiting. shutdown time=none, wakeup time=Fri Apr 22 00:01:32 2005, queuedelivering=
37, inprogress=1
Apr 22 00:01:23 raw courierdsn: Problems injecting bounce - submit failed.
Apr 22 00:01:23 raw courierd: completed,id=002DCE56.4261BA37.00004CD1
Apr 22 00:01:23 raw courierd: Waiting. shutdown time=Fri Apr 22 00:06:23 2005, wakeup time=Fri Apr 22 00:01:32 20
05, queuedelivering=37, inprogress=0

s_trap is a spamtrap setup via an alias map pointing it to spamtrap and a bofh entry pointing that address to be a spamtrap.

I think that might be a problem.

You should still be able to cancelmsg this message, and the doublebounce would go to postmaster, which should not be spamtrapped.

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