Rodrigo Severo wrote:

Ben Kennedy wrote:

Maybe on a 4xx it would make sense. I can't see how it would with a 5xx,
though.  If you have 2 MXs and they don't agree on who is a valid user
(for example), you have bigger problems.
My fault. You are right. There is no good reason to try a second MX if I get a 5xx error.

There still remains the 4xx error situation and the "Connection timed out" => "deferred" situation. Why not try a second MX in these situations?

If it's "turned off", then Courier would try and fail and move on to the
next one, as it currently does, so what's the difference?

Yes you are right again. I mentioned this because I had this problem with a very old Courier version I was running some time ago. Old problem already solved.

But again ther still remains the server too busy situation where I end getting a "Connection time out". Wouldn't it be good to try a second MX here?

It's my understanding that Courier would defer the message for awhile after the 4xx (which is exactly what a 4xx error is asking it to do) and then re-evaluate the MX records. So if there were two mx records of the same weight, it would eventually try the 2nd one. In other words, I don't believe Courier "caches" the DNS lookup between attempts but I could easily be wrong on this. Sam?

Also, I believe a heavy load server should be configured to refuse connections when load is high rather than accept only to defer with 4xx errors due to overtaxed resources. Courier does this per the MAXDAEMONS and MAXPERIP settings. If your pushing your system resources and running into timeouts, this number should be lowered. If the connection is refused rather than deferred, then a well behaved server will then try the next MX record.


Jay Lee
Network / Systems Administrator
Information Technology Dept.
Philadelphia Biblical University

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