Dear all,

I am preparing a CRM++ tutorial/workshop including CRMtex for philologists 
including runologists.  This gives me deeper insights in CRMtex. In general it 
seems adequate and it seems to be possible to encode the information one finds 
in a scientific series about runic inscriptions in Norway. There is one 
relation (or lack of) that puzzles me.

The CRMtex diagram for transliteration is as follows. The text recognition and 
transliteration  creates/links the physical text to a grapheme sequence which 
is a sequence of units in some writing system, and modelled as an instance of  
a symbolic object.

This grapheme sequence can be interpreted as a linguistic expression, that is, 
an instance of E33 Linguistic Object. This interpretation is a core activity in 
runology. In the graphical overview figure1 there is no link, and in figure 2 
about the Antikythera mechanism (both page 17)  the property 'P129 is about' is 
used to link the English translation

'Altair rises in the evening' to the grapheme sequence 'ΑΕΤΟΣ ΕΠΙΤΕΛΛΕΙ 
ΕΣΠΕΡΙΟΣ'. I have some problems to understand why this property is used.

I assume it is possible and correct to use CRMInf to model the interpretation 
process from a grapheme sequence to a linguistic expression. What should be the 
direct link? The only candidate I have found is 'P130 shows features of 
(features are also found on)', which is not completely satisfying. I need some 
assistance here.



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