
I'm a long time user of crypto++ under MinGW. I'm trying to port our 
project under MSVC.

It now runs fine in Release build, but Debug build crashes. The call stack 
is attached.
The program is linked with crypto++ debug build, /MDd runtime.

Thanks for your help!

1 CryptoPP::IteratedHashWithStaticTransform<unsigned 
iterhash.h 190 0x7ff678d949d7 
2 CryptoPP::SHA1::SHA1 sha.h 26 0x7ff678d9496b 
3 CryptoPP::OAEP<CryptoPP::SHA1,CryptoPP::P1363_MGF1>::NewHash oaep.h 46 
4 CryptoPP::OAEP_Base::Unpad oaep.cpp 65 0x7ff6796f6168 
5 CryptoPP::TF_DecryptorBase::Decrypt pubkey.cpp 150 0x7ff6796f0c0b 
6 UnpackagingStreamBuf::UnpackagingStreamBuf packaging.cpp 271 
7 UnpackagingStream::UnpackagingStream packaging.cpp 166 0x7ff678f356da 
8 Library::loadDummyObjects library.cpp 185 0x7ff678e0e4d7 
9 LibraryModel::getLibObjects librarymodel.cpp 95 0x7ff67914375c 
10 LibraryModel::populate librarymodel.cpp 50 0x7ff67914306d 
11 LibraryModel::LibraryModel librarymodel.cpp 34 0x7ff679142f9b 
12 MainWindow::MainWindow mainwindow.cpp 198 0x7ff678fdc9f8 
13 main main.cpp 316 0x7ff678d9936a 
14 invoke_main exe_common.inl 79 0x7ff6797827e4 
15 __scrt_common_main_seh exe_common.inl 288 0x7ff67978291e 
16 __scrt_common_main exe_common.inl 331 0x7ff67978299e 
17 mainCRTStartup exe_main.cpp 17 0x7ff6797829b9 
18 BaseThreadInitThunk KERNEL32 0x7fff6a657034 
19 RtlUserThreadStart ntdll 0x7fff6befcec1 

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