On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 12:24 PM Bart Vandewoestyne
<bart.vandewoest...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK... and it seems like MASM_RDSEED_GenerateBlock is a function written in 
> assembler in rdrand.asm.
> Since my assembler knowledge is very limited, I'm lost here.  So it looks 
> like the fact that I'm running this using VS2019 causes that assembler code 
> to throw an exception or something?
> Will try again with VS2015 and see if I have the same problem there...

Throwing an exception is expected if RDRAND or RDSEED is not
available. It is the reason for the try/catch block at

bool TestRDRAND()
    std::cout << "\nTesting RDRAND generator...\n\n";

    bool pass = true;
    member_ptr<RandomNumberGenerator> rng;

    try {rng.reset(new RDRAND);}
    catch (const RDRAND_Err &) {}

    if (rng.get())
        // Test generator

    return pass;

TestRDSEED() does the same thing.

The RDRAND exception is raised at
https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/blob/master/rdrand.cpp#L102. The
RDSEED exception is raised at


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