The daemon reports:

> The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
> Name of contribution: babel
> Author's name: Javier Bezos
> Package version:  3.9g
> Location on CTAN: macros/latex/required/babel/
> Summary description: Multilingual support for Plain TeX or LaTeX
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> What's new
> ----------
> - (With \fontspec) A tentative way to select font features depending
>   on the language is provided, with a couple of macros.
> - bbplain.dtx has been included in babel.dtx.
> The rest of changes are some minor fixes and tools for ldf developers:
> - A new mechanism to force \StartBabelCommands even
>   without the 'strings' key (\UseStrings didn't work at all).
> - With \AfterBabelCommands macros can be defined in the global scope.
> - A tool for readjusting lccodes for hyphenation (\SetHyphenMap
>   and a package option).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Announcement required: Yes
> Uploader's additional comments:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> bbplain.dtx is not included any longer, because it has been merged with 
> babel.dtx
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
> or they may browse the package directory at

thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.

Robin Fairbairns

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