Remember the various occurrences attributed to the "Army of God"?

>From Process Website of the Final Judgement (The group Son of Sam was
involved with) :
The Gods are with us.

Christ is among us.

The Time of the End is now.

As herald of the Time, a wave of pain and suffering sweeps the earth
from end to end.

And fear is growing in the hearts of men.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And there are wars and rumours of wars.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And nation rises against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And there are famines and pestilences and earthquakes.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And there is hatred and violence in the cities.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And blood flows in the streets of the cities.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And the Angel of Death has descended upon the world of men.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And Death stalks the earth.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And men stand in fear and trembling before the inexorable onslaught.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And the earth shakes beneath the relentless fury of the cataclysms.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And the battle of the Armageddon is joined.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And the mighty Fiend is released from Hell.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And Fire sweeps across the face of the land to devour it.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And Disaster is in every corner of the world.

And we shall conquer fear with love.

And Love shall triumph.

And the world shall be reborn, in Love.

You who belong to the Army of GOD upon earth, followers of the Union of
Jehovah and Lucifer, partakers in the Unity of Christ and Satan, repeat
after me:

The Gods shall be united in Christ.

The Gods shall be united in Christ.

And GOD shall be reborn.

And GOD shall be reborn.

The Lord Jehovah shall be the Power of GOD.

The Lord Jehovah shall be the Power of GOD.

The Lord Lucifer shall be the Light of GOD.

The Lord Lucifer shall be the Light of GOD.

The Lord Satan shall be the Love of GOD.

The Lord Satan shall be the Love of GOD.

The Lord Christ shall be the Unity of GOD.

The Lord Christ shall be the Unity of GOD.

And as many as channel the Will of GOD,

And as many as channel the Will of GOD,

Shall be the children of GOD.

Shall be the children of GOD.

And the Power of Fear,

And the Power of Fear,

...and the Power of Hatred,

...and the Power of Hatred,

...and the Power of Death,

...and the Power of Death,

...shall be no more.

...shall be no more.

The main Processean website is at

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