-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Rabbi's Odyssey Reflects Struggle on Sexual Abuse Jews Begin to Confront Silence That Hid Clergy's Misdeeds By Alan Cooperman Washington Post 2/2/03 "Before he was convicted and sent to prison in 1997 for sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl during bat mitzvah lessons, there had been numerous complaints against him. But each time allegations arose, he moved to a new community, leaving a trail of whispers and shattered lives. Prosecutors, alleged victims and their families say Goldenberg was able to move from job to job because of a wall of silence and shame around sexual abuse in the Jewish community -- a wall that some believe is finally coming down, thanks to the scandal over sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests."

St Colman's Survivors website includes allegations of abuse http://abusivesystem.terrylhewettsr.rackhost.net/stcolmans.html

two from L Moss Sharman N.J. Probe Secret Police Society 2/2/03 Trenton, N.J. (AP) - "The New Jersey attorney general's office has opened an investigation into allegations that a secret society of rogue state troopers has harassed minorities and women among their ranks. First Assistant Attorney General Peter Harvey said investigators and prosecutors from his office and the state police will do everything possible to the determine the truth about the Lords of Discipline.....A Lords of Discipline T-shirt was found last month in a sergeant's locker at the Tuckerton barracks, following two weeks of investigation in Ocean and Burlington counties....Peter Aseltine, spokesman for the attorney general, would not say whether that discovery prompted the larger investigation, which he said stemmed from "tangible, credible information that must be pursued." It's not the first time state officials have promised to look into the Lords of Discipline, which have drawn complaints for years." http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-2369703,00.html

The veil of silence - Sexual abuse of nuns by priests a dirty secret Habits and vows of celibacy didn't protect them Trish Crawford Toronto Star 2/1/03 "The sisters aren't safe. A series of recent reports show that many Roman Catholic nuns, in Canada and throughout the world, are being sexually abused and harassed, often by priests." http://www.thestar.ca/

Thursday, 19 December, 2002, 11:52 GMT Afghans ban 'obscene' TV
Afghanistan's Supreme Court has banned cable television stations in the eastern city of Jalalabad because they have been showing films it considers un-Islamic. The court ruled that cable operators were showing "obscene" Western and Indian films and said they were totally against Islam, Afghan  culture and the spirit of jihad (holy war). The governor of Nangahar province - of which Jalalabad is the capital - has ordered the security services to implement the ruling immediately. The court also directed state-run local radio and television not to broadcast any programme deemed to be against Islam and Afghan culture.
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