-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 3/10/2003 6:52:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Most of the anti-war liberal types never said a word when it was their boy, Bill Clinton, bombing away in Kosovo. I

Let's discuss the Kosovo business.  When the Serbs started their war, they made a move and waited to see what George Bush the First would say about it.  The silence out of Washington was deafening.  Had he said one word, the hell in Yugoslavia would have never happened.  He didn't, and the entire world seemed to decide that whatever the Serbs did to the Bosnians (Moslem or Croatian) was fine, since the Serbs had all the weapons and the Bosnians had nothing.  Bush continued to be silent, while the lovers were shot  by a Serb sniper even though they had gotten permission to cross into Serb territory and  the zoo animals starved to death because the Serb snipers picked off the keepers  trying to feed them.   It got so bad that I couldn't stand to watch television news, and half the guys in the State Department left their jobs, because they couldn't stand to see what was going on either.  Every time the Bosnians asked for help, it was denied, and weapons were also denied, because it was determined that if they had a way to fight back, things might escalate.  The Serbs were having a lovely time.  It was only when Iran began to arm the Bosnians that anyone in the American government finally did anything, and then when Clinton started to move to stop the mess, his military-industrial complex and the CIA gave him the advice that they needed to use up all that nasty old DU ammo.  So when the U.S. finally made a move, it was a nasty one.  It would have been a lot better if we had given the Bosnians weapons and let them fight it out with the Serbs.  Still I guess our military chiefs wanted to see just what the result of using all that DU would be.  They're going to have a really fun time testing all their new stuff on the Iraqi and on our guys as well.  Bush is always willing to make sacrifices.  I guess it's the mark of the "compassionate conservative."  On well--ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS......    Prudy 
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