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The Korean Trap - Is
'Pearl Harbor II' Still To Come?

By Archaeos Prime - Renegade Patriot

Lately I've been thinking.... and the smoke is noxious.  

Maybe the WTC demolition wasn't the equivalent of Pearl Harbor, as so many, including myself, have believed... Perhaps Gulf War II isn't the real beginning of all-out conflict sought by the fascist Bush Regime, Rockefeller Illuminati and the Zionists. Maybe the key is to get ourselves attacked outright by a third-party nation before WWIII can begin in earnest.  

The Japanese were systematically goaded into attacking the U.S. so we'd be pulled into WWII when the American people wanted nothing to do with it. This served the Zionist-Illuminati agenda to manipulate the entirety of Europe and North America financially and politically into their cooking pot, for simmering up all their future plans, most notably the Cold War, the base sauce for WWIII.  

What if North Korea is to be our new Pearl Harbor attacker? Why would the Bush Regime ignore the immense danger posed by this tiny freak nation while bombarding a weak Iraq, justified with fabricated evidence and a loaded clip of lies set on full-automatic and aimed at the undereducated populace?  

Perhaps because this sets up the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea -- gotta love that "Democratic" part) as the new Imperial Japan, goaded into attacking the United States, probably the only effective way it can . . . with nuclear ICBMs.  

Right now they're still resisting the bait, but after several more months the spunky little "Democratic" dictator Kim Il-Jong will get more and more pissed and scared, eventually softening up to the idea of plunging headlong into oblivion against the rogue nation of Amerika. He can conveniently use our own nicely-provided precedent of pre-emptive attack as justification. He's already making exactly those kinds of statements, and has been for many weeks.  

After all, who could argue with a pre-emptive attack against Amerika after the Bush Regime not only set the precedent, but also alienated itself from the global community with its brutal, fascist rampage in the Middle East?  

Perhaps Gulf War II and the "war games" on the shared Korean border are nothing more than the two moving parts of a Zionist-Illuminati mouse trap, begging the rodent to take the cheese...?  

If Kim Il-Jong decides to bite, we'll all be feeling that trap snap shut on our necks.

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