-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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By clandestine terrorism, we will make war

Mostafa Avini

Al-Jazeerah, 10/17/03


Webster’s dictionary defines “conspiracy” as a secret act or plot by two or more individuals to commit an unlawful or evil act. A conspiracy theorist is, then, a person or an agent who affirms the existence of such a plot as an explanation for observed events. By this definition, then, the official explanation for and identification of the perpetrators of 9/11 atrocities is a conspiracy theory. In this case, it is a conspiracy theory subscribed to by many governments and millions of people around the world. So why is it that the phrase “conspiracy theorist” brings such negative associations to most peoples’ mind? The answer to this question must be found in various epistemological theories that attempt to explain how knowledge is acquired and what knowledge is to be considered valid. But in short, theories are accepted on the basis of how well they fit the given observed facts and their predictive value. The image the public normally conjures up in its mind when the phrase is mentioned is of unfounded assertions and sensationalist, unverifiable claims that contradict common sense and do not stand up to scrutiny. But despite all negative connotations accompanying the phrase “ conspiracy theory” the fact remains that a so-called conspiracy theory is a theory before it is a conspiracy theory and must be given due consideration among theories that attempt to explain human behavior. This is only just, because all human knowledge about the outside world is in a sense based on theories that attempt to explain events. In addition conspiracy theories arise partly due to the inadequacy of mainstream explanations. By not considering conspiracy theories the mainstream establishment adds to the mystery and sensationalism surrounding such theories and thereby renders them even more attractive to the uneducated mind. This is a dangerous state of affairs, since unexamined assertions have a tendency to become a part of the pop culture and in the long run make it more difficult for sound theories to establish themselves in the collective consciousness.

. After the horrendous events of 9/11, many people, including myself, never thought of the US government and the mainstream media as affirming a conspiracy. I believed what I heard without immediately questioning the allegations leveled at Osama Bin Laden within literally minutes of the atrocities. But as time passed and as I learned more about the circumstances surrounding these incidents, I began to find the official explanations untenable. Lack of reliable evidence for Al Qaedeh involvement and shoddiness and contrived nature of the evidence presented was the reason I searched for alternative scenarios that fit the observations better. I did this with a strange mixture of cynicism, temerity and trepidation. After all, the phrase “conspiracy theory” oftentimes refers to dissenting opinions that challenge the mainstream, status quo positions. A conspiracy theorist is as often an individual who adventures into hazardous, uncharted waters due to a conviction that things are not the way they seem. Conspiracy theorists are eschewed by the mainstream, “intellectual” and “academic” sources of information because they tend to muddy the waters of credibility and accountability. Being associated with conspiracy theorist could mean career suicide and isolation from the sources of power and prestige. But, at the same time, the atrocities committed in the name of fighting “terrorism” and the self-serving nature of the attacks on Afghanistan and the war of “liberation” on Iraq, the inhumane treatment of the prisoners of war that were given “noncombatant” status, the round-up of many innocent people whose only fault was being of Middle Eastern origin and the discovery of the Neo-con blueprint for subjugation of many sovereign nations, in particular one I originated from, convinced me that there was more to 9/11 affair than I could imagine. The two links that will follow, present two alternative scenarios to the official version of 9/11 events presented to the world. The first is written by an academic; a computer scientist, researcher and author. The second is written under a pen name. Both of these articles attempt to show that the facts surrounding 9/11 point to the involvement of the Neocon/Zionist “government within government” and Mossad and high levels of the CIA as the executioners. I need to confess, for the sake of easing my own conscience, that I do not believe Zionism, in the form it is presented to the world, is Judaism. As a Muslim, I have the highest reverence for the peaceful percepts of both Judaism and Christianity. So this should not be construed as an attack, but as a defense of the three monotheistic faiths that claim descent from the same origins. Such atrocities, done in the name of whichever of these faiths, has been a burden on many who believe in the brotherhood of man and believe that the Sermon on the Mount is the soundest advice for man at this dangerous juncture. Great men, such as Leo Tolstoy and Mohandas Gandhi have taken inspiration from these words. Our only solution is believing that we are indeed our brother’s keeper and that no problem will be solved until this is realized and practiced with the utmost sincerity. I cannot vouch for the complete accuracy of the statements within these two articles, mainly because of the inadequacy of my own knowledge of history. But all statements here are amply referenced and this is all one can do considering the very secretive nature of subversion and deception. I would very much like to be informed by those who know more about these matters. If I am overstepping the bounds of reason, may it be known that it is out of ignorance and in the interest of justice, and not due to any malicious intentions. Let the reader be the judge.


The title, “By clandestine terrorism, we will make war,” Translation of Mossad Logo by Shulamit Levy, http://100777.com/node/view/431


(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)



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