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-Caveat Lector-


Laurent Murawiec, a senior fellow at the conservative Hudson Institute and
former Rand analyst, has various dubious distinctions: He is a former Lyndon
LaRouche colleague and executive editor of LaRouche's Executive Intelligence
Review; and when he was invited by the then-Richard-Perle-led Defense Policy
Board in July 2002 to give a talk on the Middle East, he delivered a highly
controversial diatribe regarding Saudi Arabia. In his presentation, which
was leaked by a board member, Muraweic said: "[Saudi Arabia is] the kernel
of evil, the prime mover, the most dangerous opponent." (4)

Later, he told ITP.net (August 13, 2002): "My experience of your part of the
world is that most people hate the Saudis' guts, not to make too fine a
point about it. Everybody knows they are a bunch of lazy assholes that are
arrogant, too big for their shoes, which behave in a consistently disgusting
manner. People in your region have told me that for 20 years. But I am not
telling you anything new." After ITP.net published the remark, Murawiec
denied he ever spoke with an ITP.net reporter. ITP.net subsequently released
the recorded conversation. (3)



(1) The Hudson Institute: Staff Bio: Laurent Murawiec

(2) "Is Egypt in Play & Why Is It the Prize," Defense in the National
Interest, August 16, 2002

(3) "The PowerPoint that Rocked the Pentagon," Slate.com, August 7, 2002

(4) Washington Post, August 13, 2002

The PowerPoint That Rocked the Pentagon
The LaRouchie defector who's advising the defense establishment on Saudi

By Jack Shafer
Posted Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2002, at 4:49 PM PT

Diplomatic china rattled in Washington and cracked in Riyadh yesterday when
the Washington Post published a story about a briefing given to a Pentagon
advisory group last month. The briefing declared Saudi Arabia an enemy of
the United States and advocated that the United States invade the country,
seize its oil fields, and confiscate its financial assets unless the Saudis
stop supporting the anti-Western terror network.

The Page One story, by Thomas E. Ricks ("Briefing Depicted Saudis as
Enemies: Ultimatum Urged To Pentagon Board," Aug. 6), described a 24-slide
presentation given by Rand Corp. analyst Laurent Murawiec on July 10, 2002,
to the Defense Policy Board, a committee of foreign policy wonks and former
government officials that advises the Pentagon on defense issues. Murawiec's
PowerPoint scenario, which is reproduced for the first time below, makes him
sound like an aspiring Dr. Strangelove.

Just who the hell is Laurent Murawiec? The Post story and its follow-up,
also by Ricks, do not explain. The Pentagon and the administration insist
that the presentation does not reflect their views in any way. The Rand
Corp. acknowledges its association with Murawiec, but likewise disavows any
connection with the briefing. (Neither Murawiec nor Rand received money for
the briefing, Rand says.) According to Newsday, Defense Policy Board
Chairman Richard N. Perle, a former Pentagon official and full-time
invade-Iraq hawk, invited Murawiec to brief the group, so Perle can't
exactly distance himself from the presentation. But he can do the next best
thing‹duck reporters' questions. Murawiec also declined reporters'
inquiries, including one from Slate.

The first half of Murawiec's presentation reads calmly enough, echoing
Fareed Zakaria's Oct. 15, 2001, Newsweek essay about why the Arab world
hates the United States. Its tribal, despotic regimes bottle up domestic
dissent but indulge the exportation of political anger; intellectually, its
people are trapped in the Middle Ages; its institutions lack the tools to
deal with 21st-century problems; yadda yadda yadda.

But then Murawiec lights out for the extreme foreign policy territory,
recommending that we threaten Medina and Mecca, home to Islam's most holy
places, if they don't see it our way. Ultimately, he champions a takeover of
Saudi Arabia. The last slide in the deck, titled "Grand strategy for the
Middle East," abandons the outrageous for the incomprehensible. It reads:

*    Iraq is the tactical pivot
*    Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot
*    Egypt the prize

Egypt the prize? 

Because none of the Defense Policy Board attendees are talking candidly
about the session, it's hard to divine what "Egypt the prize" means or if
Murawiec's briefing put it into any context. It sounds a tad loopy, even by
Dr. Strangelove standards. The Post report does mention a "talking point"
attached to the 24-page PowerPoint deck that describes Saudi Arabia as "the
kernel of evil, the prime mover, the most dangerous opponent" in the Middle
East. That's extreme talk even by the standards of the anti-Saudi
editorialists at the Weekly Standard and the rest of the invade-Iraq

Who is Laurent Murawiec, and where did he learn to write like this? The
George Washington University Elliot School of International Affairs' Web
site lists him as a faculty member, but it lists no current or future
classes by him. The site's biographical page adds that he's a graduate of
the Sorbonne University, that he worked as "A foreign correspondent for a
major French business weekly in Germany" (isn't that kind of vague?) and is
the co-founder of GeoPol Services SA, "a consulting company in Geneva,
Switzerland, which advised major multinational corporations and banks." It
also lists him as a former adviser to the French ministry of defense and the
translator (into French) of Clausewitz's On War.

A sweep of the Web shows that he lectured on Islamic terrorism in Toronto on
March 11, 2002, under the aegis of the Canadian Institute for Strategic
Studies. He wrote an article titled "The Wacky World of French
Intellectuals" in the Middle East Quarterly, co-edited a Rand Corp. book,
and made these comments at a Nautilus Institute conference. When he spoke on
panel with Richard Perle at the American Enterprise Institute on Dec. 1,
1999, Murawiec was introduced as having just moved to the United States
after "a dozen years" of working as managing director of GeoPol in Geneva,
"a service that supplies advice to European clients, similar to what
Kissinger Associates offers from New York, except without the accent." That
is a bit of an overstatement. A Google search of "Murawiec and GeoPol"
produces 12 hits. Compare that to the 10,300 hits on Google for "Kissinger

Murawiec's résumé would predict many Nexis hits, but a search of his name
reveals just five bylines: Twice already this year, Murawiec has contributed
to the neocon publication the National Interest, on the subject of Russia.
[Correction: Murawiec wrote for the National Interest once in 2000 and once
in 2002. The topic both times was Russia.] In 1999 he wrote for the Post's
"Outlook" section on "internationalism," and in 1996 he contributed a piece
to the Journal of Commerce on Russia. His only other Nexis-able byline is a
dusty one from the Jan. 23, 1985, edition of the Financial Times, which
describes Murawiec as "the European Economics Editor of the New York-based
Executive Intelligence Review weekly magazine."

Executive Intelligence Review, as scholars of parapolitics know, is a
publication of the political fantasist, convicted felon, and perpetual
presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. It's not clear exactly when
Murawiec left the LaRouche orbit. An article by LaRouche that appeared last
year in Executive Intelligence Review calls Murawiec "a real-life
'Beetlebaum' of the legendary mythical horse-race, and a hand-me-down
political carcass, currently in the possession of institutions of a peculiar
odor." In 1997, LaRouche's wife Helga Zupp LaRouche wrote in Executive
Intelligence Review (republished in the LaRouche-affiliated AboutSudan.com
Web site) that Murawiec "was once part of our organization and is now on the
side of organized crime." The truth value of that statement surely ranks up
there with LaRouche's claim that the Queen of England controls the crack
trade. To say, zero.

When Murawiec departed LaRouche's company is unclear, but Dennis King,
author of 1989's Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism, thinks it
came when many followers split as LaRouche's legal problems grew and
climaxed with a 1988 conviction for conspiracy and mail fraud. "[Murawiec]
was not a political leader," says King, "but a follower who did

Now that Murawiec has assumed such a vocal place in the policy debate, the
man who gave him the lectern owes us the complete back-story. Over to you,
Richard Perle. 


Laurent Murawiec's 24-slide presentation to the Defense Policy Board was
obtained by Slate and is presented here in type-treatment that approximates
the original. 

Taking Saudi Out of Arabia

Laurent Murawiec
Defense Policy Board
July 10, 2002


Taking Saudi out of Arabia:

*    The Arab Crisis
*    "Saudi" Arabia
*    Strategies


The Arab Crisis


The systemic crisis of the Arab

*    The Arab world has been in a systemic crisis for the last 200 years
*    It missed out on the industrial revolution, it is missing out on the
digital revolution
*    Lack of inner resources to cope with modern world


Shattered Arab self-esteem

*    Shattered self-esteem
*    Could God be wrong?
*    Turn the rage against those who contradict God: the West, object of
*    A whole generation of violently anti-Western, anti-American,
anti-modern shock-troops


What has the Arab world

*    Since independence, wars have been the principal output of the Arab
*    Demographic and economic problems made intractable by failure to
establish stable polities aiming at prosperity
*    All Arab states are either failing states or threatened to fail


The Crisis of the Arab world
reaches a climax

*    The tension between the Arab world and the modern world has reached a
*    The Arab world's home-made problems overwhelm its ability to cope
*    The crisis is consequently being exported to the rest of the world


How does change occur in the
Arab world?

*    There is no agora, no public space for debating ideas, interests,
*    The tribal group in power blocks all avenues of change, represses all
advocates of change
*    Plot, riot, murder, coup are the only available means to bring about
political change


The continuation of politics by other

*    In the Arab world, violence is not a continuation of politics by other
means -- violence is politics, politics is violence
*    This culture of violence is the prime enabler of terrorism
*    Terror as an accepted, legitimate means of carrying out politics, has
been incubated for 30 years ...


The crisis cannot be contained to the
Arab world alone

*    The crisis has irreversibly spilled out of the region
*    9/11 was a symptom of the "overflow"
*    The paroxysm is liable to last for several decades
*    U.S. response will decisively influence the duration and outcome


"Saudi" Arabia


The old partnership

*    Once upon a time, there was a partnership between the U.S. and Saudi
*    Partnerships, like alliances, are embodied in practices, ideas,
policies, institutions, people -- which persist after the alliance has died


"Saudi" Arabia

*    An instable group: Since 1745, 58% of all rulers of the House of Saud
have met a violent demise
*    Wahhabism loathes modernity, capitalism, human rights, religious
freedom, democracy, republics, an open society -- and practices the very
*    As long as enmity had no or little consequences outside the kingdom,
the bargain between the House of Saud and the U.S. held


Means, motive, opportunity

*    1973: Saudi Arabia unleashes the Oil Shock, absorbs immense flows of
resources -- means
*    1978: Khomeiny challenges the Saudis' Islamic credentials, provoking a
radicalization and world-wide spread of Wahhabism in response -- motive
*    1979-1989: the anti-Soviet Jihad gives life and strength to the Wahhabi
putsch within Sunni Islam -- opportunity. The Taliban are the result


The impact on Saudi policy

*    Wahhabism moves from Islam's lunatic fringe to center-stage -- its
mission now extends world-wide
*    Saudis launch a putsch within Sunni Islam
*    Shift from pragmatic oil policy to promotion of radical Islam
*    Establish Saudi as "the indispensable State" -- treasurers of radical,
fundamentalist, terrorist groups


Saudis see themselves

*    God placed the oil in the kingdom as a sign of divine approval
*    Spread Wahhabism everywhere, but keep the power of the al-Saud
*    Survive by creating a Wahhabi-friendly environment -- fundamentalist
regimes -- throughout the Moslem world and beyond


The House of Saud today

*    Saudi Arabia is central to the self-destruction of the Arab world and
the chief vector of the Arab crisis and its outwardly-directed aggression
*    The Saudis are active at every level of the terror chain, from planners
to financiers, from cadre to foot-soldier, from ideologist to cheerleader
*    Saudi Arabia supports our enemies and attacks our allies
*    A daily outpouring of virulent hatred against the U.S. from Saudi
media, "educational" institutions, clerics, officials -- Saudis tell us one
thing in private, do the contrary in reality




What is to be done?

*    During and after World War I, Britain's India Office backed the House
of Saud; the Foreign Office backed the Hashemites. The India Office won
*    But the entire post-1917 Middle East settlement designed by the British
to replace the Ottoman Empire is fraying
*    The role assigned to the House of Saud in that arrangement has become
obsolete -- and nefarious


"Saudi Arabia" is not a God-
given entity

*    The House of Saud was given dominion over Arabia in 1922 by the British
*    It wrested the Guardianship of the Holy Places -- Mecca and Medina --
from the Hashemite dynasty
*    There is an "Arabia," but it needs not be "Saudi"


An ultimatum to the House of

*    Stop any funding and support for any fundamentalist madrasa, mosque,
ulama, predicator anywhere in the world
*    Stop all anti-U.S., anti-Israeli, anti-Western predication, writings,
etc., within Arabia
*    Dismantle, ban all the kingdom's "Islamic charities," confiscate their
*    Prosecute or isolate those involved in the terror chain, including in
the Saudi intelligence services


Or else ...

*    What the House of Saud holds dear can be targeted:
‹Oil: the old fields are defended by U.S. forces, and located in a mostly
Shiite area
‹Money: the Kingdom is in dire financial straits, its valuable assets
invested in dollars, largely in the U.S.
‹The Holy Places: let it be known that alternatives are being canvassed


Other Arabs?

*    The Saudis are hated throughout the Arab world: lazy, overbearing,
dishonest, corrupt
*    If truly moderate regimes arise, the Wahhabi-Saudi nexus is pushed back
into its extremist corner
*    The Hashemites have greater legitimacy as Guardians of Mecca and Medina


Grand strategy for the Middle

€ Iraq is the tactical pivot

€ Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot

€ Egypt the prize


Jack Shafer is Slate's editor at large.
More press box
God Bless Judith Miller
Two cheers for our courageous First Amendment martyr.
posted Oct. 8, 2004
Jack Shafer

Raging Bull
Smoking out candidates' smears and distortions.
posted Oct. 7, 2004
Jack Shafer

Quick Draw
CNN's pundits make a mad dash to call Cheney vs. Edwards a tie.
posted Oct. 6, 2004
Jack Shafer

Kissing up to Kissinger
The reporters who loved Henry and what they said.
posted Oct. 4, 2004
Jack Shafer

Kissinger's Travels
He ducks the New York Times yet again.
posted Oct. 1, 2004
Jack Shafer

Search for more Press Box in our archive.
What did you think of this article?
Join the Fray, our reader discussion forum

Notes From The Fray Editor:
While The Fray noodled about the "unfathomable koan" that is "Egypt the
Prize," it also took Murawiec to task for bad PowerPointing.
Remarks From The Fray:
The best initial comment about the Laurent Murewiec's power-point
presentation on Saudi Arabia is that it is poorly done. I evaluate
undergraduate presentations all the time, and as I was reading Murewiec's
outline, I was thinking, "My God, this is a bad piece of work." What a loose
jumble of lazy stereotypes! Didn't this guy do any research? But then, I've
seen Richard Perle on tv and I know that he is a really smart guy. So why is
a smart guy like Richard Perle promoting a guy like Laurent Murewiac who
embodies the ultimate trifecta of incompetence. He's lazy, stupid, and
wacko. My little theory on this is that part of what characterizes the Bush
administration is "macho stupidity"‹smart guys like Perle, Cheney, and Bush
who show themselves and the world that they're real men by pursuing dumb and
self-defeating ideas. One way to interpret the upcoming invasion of Iraq is
as an exercise in "macho stupidity." In their heart of hearts, the Bush
people know that invading Iraq will be a big distraction from the real
terrorists. They know there will be unforeseen and unforeseeable
consequences to occupying Iraq, and they know that the rest of the world
will disagree. In other words, people like Cheney and Perle know that
invading Iraq is stupid, but they feel driven to prove their manhood by
pursuing stupid, simple-minded strategies and damn the consequences. The
main problem that the Bush administration has for nuance is that they think
that real men are John-Wayne simple and that nuance is for
-- Keep a Clear Eye
(To reply, click here.)
Lemme start with the good news: the Defence Policy Board, chaired by the
low-grade war criminal Richard Perle, has no power whatsoever.
The bad news is that the Bush Administration is run with such outlandish
incompetence that they might get a bit of power by accident some timeŠ.

The Continuing Saga of Laurent (of Arabia) Murawiec
The Rand analyst whose PowerPoint rocked the Pentagon returns to the news.
By Jack Shafer
Posted Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002, at 3:06 PM PT

Rand Corp. analyst Laurent Murawiec, who set off an international incident
three weeks ago when the Washington Post reported the substance of an
anti-Saudi briefing he gave in July to the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board,
seems to have stepped in it again. On Aug. 13, the Dubai news site ITP.net
quoted extensively from a telephone interview Murawiec purportedly gave to
Arabian Business reporter Massoud Derhally. According to Derhally's story,
"Potent words, softly spoken, rock Saudi-U.S. relations," Murawiec said that
a gag order prevented him from talking about the Pentagon briefing but
offered these observations about the Saudis and the Arab world:

My experience of your part of the world is that most people hate the Saudis'
guts, not to make too fine a point about it. Everybody knows they are a
bunch of lazy assholes that are arrogant, too big for their shoes, which
behave in a consistently disgusting manner. People in your region have told
me that for 20 years. But I am not telling you anything new.

A week later in an Agence France-Presse news story, Murawiec denied the
statements attributed to him. "I gave no interview neither to that guy ...
nor to anybody. The whole story is spurious and void," Murawiec said.
IPT.net responded immediately with a story, "Taped interview exposes lies
from U.S. analyst," which included this Windows Media sound recording of the
purported interview to prove Murawiec talked to them.

Does the voice on the recording belong to Murawiec? Murawiec deflected
Slate's query to a spokesperson at Rand, where he still works, and the
spokesperson said the think tank's only comment was this statement released
last week by Murawiec's boss, Rand President James Thompson: "The comments
on the tape recording on the website ITP.net are offensive and repugnant,
and Rand repudiates them in the strongest terms. Rand was unaware of these
comments until they were reported by ITP.net."

Rand President Thompson's "strongest terms," which neither confirm nor deny
that the voice is Murawiec's, surely take the "think" out of "think tank."

For those arriving at the story late, the Rand analyst roiled U.S.-Saudi
relations in early August when the Washington Post reported on Page One the
gist of his 24-slide, July 10 PowerPoint briefing before the Defense Policy
Board, a 31-member, bipartisan advisory committee headed by Middle East hawk
Richard M. Perle and comprised of defense and foreign-policy experts.
Murawiec's PowerPoint deck, published in "Press Box," portrayed Saudi Arabia
as "active at every level of the terror chain, from planners to financiers,
from cadre to foot-soldier, from ideologist to cheerleader." He recommended
that the United States "target" Saudi Arabia's oil, financial holdings, and
even its "holy places" unless the country stamped out anti-U.S. and
anti-Israel writings, stopped funding fundamentalist mosques, and prosecuted
or isolated "those involved in the terror chain, including in the Saudi
intelligence services."

The U.S. damage control brigade assuaged Arabs who convulsed at the Post's
scoop. Secretary of State Colin Powell told the Saudi foreign minister the
briefing had no bearing on U.S. policy. Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld, under whom the Defense Policy Board toils, similarly distanced
himself from the presentation.

Other polite dissociations followed the flap. Perle, who had invited
Murawiec to speak to the Defense Policy Board, told Time magazine he didn't
know what Murawiec was going to say before the talk. The Rand Corp. stated
in a press release that Murawiec's presentation was not paid for or
commissioned by Rand and that the views he expressed were his alone. Shortly
after the Post story ran, George Washington University's Elliot School of
International Affairs took down the
page(http://www.gwu.edu/~elliott/facultystaff/murawiec.cfm) that listed him
as a faculty member. Elliott School Associate Dean Kristin Lord says the
school decided not to rehire Murawiec as an adjunct professor "around
December" of last year and that the disappearance of Murawiec's faculty
member page was not related to the controversy. According to Elliott School
professor Gordon Adams, Murawiec worked for the school for two semesters and
was introduced to it by people at Rand. (A description of Murawiec's fall
2000 course, "Revolution in 21st Century Warfare," remains on the school's
Web site.) 

The only good news falling on Murawiec these days is the bad news posted on
the Web by his former colleagues at the paranoid political organization
headed by convicted felon and perpetual presidential candidate Lyndon H.
LaRouche Jr. 

Prior to the Pentagon Powerpoint flap, if the LaRouche organization
mentioned Murawiec at all, it treated him as a minor defector who had joined
the organization in the early '70s, serving as the "European economics
editor" of Executive Intelligence Review before leaving in the late '80s.
For instance, in a Jan. 2001 article, LaRouche abuse of Murawiec was limited
to this sort of towel snapping: Murawiec was "a real-life 'Beetlebaum' of
the legendary mythical horse-race, and a hand-me-down political carcass,
currently in the possession of institutions of a peculiar odor."

But now that Murawiec is making news, working alongside LaRouche's
neoconservative archenemies, his crimes rival those of Animal Farm's
Snowball. According to an Aug. 16 posting on LaRouche's Executive
Intelligence Review Web site, by the late '80s the man the LaRouchies now
call "Laurent 'of Arabia' Murawiec" had become a "pathetic, babbling
turncoat." Without a sliver of evidence, the piece accuses Murawiec of
"covertly" working with "a Swiss-based network of intelligence-connected
weapons traffickers, whose London and Washington controllers were
coordinating, that year, a high-intensity, international campaign of
judicial attacks and dirty tricks against LaRouche and his associates."

To capture the full warp and woof of the LaRouchies' barking mad
denunciations, try this:

Murawiec first showed his emerging corruption when he opposed the March 1986
publication of EIR's thoroughly documented special report, Moscow's Secret
Weapon: Ariel Sharon and the Israeli Mafia. This 126-page report highlighted
Sharon's U.S. organized-crime-connected backers who ran the infamous Israeli
spy in the U.S. Defense Department, Jonathan Pollard. Highly classified
material stolen by Pollard was used in Israeli "U.S.
secrets-for-Jewish-emigres" trades with the kind of Soviet KGB elements who
later grouped around the financial oligarchs plundering post-Soviet Russia
in the 1990s.

By the late 1980s, on command, Murawiec was running an internal disruption
operation within the Wiesbaden EIR office‹supervised by the same people who
promoted his subsequent career when his presence in that EIR office became
overtly untenable, in 1990.

Monsieur Murawiec went from money from then-fugitive Marc Rich's Paris-based
Marc Rich Foundation; to a dubious strategic affairs consultancy, GeoPol,
hosted by a narcotics money-laundering Geneva, Switzerland bank; to a
think-tank career in France promoting Pentagon Office of Net Assessments
(ONA) digital cyberwar scenarios; to his posting to the Rand Corporation in
Washington, and his Richard Perle-organized debutante's public appearance at
Perle's American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in December 1999. ...

Murawiec's current notoriety now permits us to divulge not merely who wants
to plunge the world into an era of Clash of Civilizations war, but, how much
that cabal has seen Lyndon LaRouche as its main opponent to their "vision"
of an America turned into a caricature of the world's discarded imperial

And so on, conspiracies within conspiracies, cabals within cabals.

According to another Aug. 16 posting on Executive Intelligence Review, the
neocon's tendrils have even reached out to include

a certain Jack Shafer, who posted a childish piece datelined slate.msn.com
August 7, 2002, at 4:49 P.M. The notable feature of Shafer's concoction is
that he has the same profile as Murawiec, minus what are Murawiec's actual
French academic credentials. Shafer appears to be owned by the same folk who
own Murawiec, but is, doubtless, much more poorly paid for his maliciously
reckless disregard for truth. Perhaps that is Shafer's gripe.

Agent Shafer to neoconservative controls Perle, Kristol, Wolfowitz, Pipes,
Ikle: Send instructions for next covert op. And, please, more money.

(Many thanks to the readers who alerted me to the Murawiec story on ITP.net.
If you've got a tip for me or a comment, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Jack Shafer is Slate's editor at large. 

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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