-Caveat Lector-

John OâSullivan brilliantly points out difference between being civilized and 
over-civilized, and the dangers to peace and security the latter encourages.

Yet 40 years ago hostage-taking seemed a concept from the distant past --
something like slavery and piracy that Victorian imperialists had stopped in their 
old-fashioned self-righteous way. Like hostage-taking, however, piracy and slavery are 
making a comeback. Piracy flourishes in parts of southeast Asia, slavery in parts of 
Africa such as Sudan, and hostage-taking in the Middle East and Latin America.
In general they advance where terrorism has blazed the way by revealing the impotence 
of law and government when they are not backed by the
self-confident application of lawful force. The post-modern world lacks
self-confidence and shrinks from using force. It places its trust in
treaties and conventions that it enforces only against those who agree in
advance to be bound by them. Thus, in the week that its citizens were
pleading for their lives in Iraq, the European Union was mainly concerned to prevent 
Turkey from making adultery a criminal offense -- a droll
illustration of "European values" But as Bacon pointed out: "Revenge is a kind of wild 
justice." It will inevitably -- and arguably rightly -- become the resort of decent 
people when law and government fail to deliver justice.
Post-modern governments fail in just that way. Humanitarian bodies such as Amnesty 
International are even worse: They practice a sort of unilateral civil libertarianism 
that holds governments to account for the smallest infraction of civil liberty but 
treats terrorism as a natural disaster. Transnational bodies like the U.N. and the EU 
are worse -- they seek to take the weapons of war and capital punishment from us in 
our struggles against terrorism, slavery, piracy and hostage-taking and to force us to 
rely instead on their own paper resolutions and elevated principles.
All these responses -- from the critical reactions to "Man on Fire" to the
E.U.âs prohibition of capital punishment -- are overcivilized. That sounds
almost like a compliment, as if it meant more civilized. In fact, to be
overcivilized is to be less civilized because genuine civilization includes a robust 
willingness to enforce its order and truths on anarchy, violence, murder and 

Civilization always requires that a robust defense be put up against
barbarians. Because, in a very real sense, what we think of as barbarism is nothing 
more than mankind in its natural state: the strong lead, the weak are forced to serve. 
Civilization is in many ways a reversal of that natural order, and it must be 
carefully maintained.
We are always no more than a generation away from barbarism, because the
threats to civilization come not just from without, but from within. Each
generation of children, it has been said, is a vertical invasion of
barbarians, who must be taught the rules and fundamentals of civilization.
Civilization, therefore is not only precious, but very fragile, and it is
never more than a veneer over our nature. Like the skin of an apple, it may be 
polished very, very bright, but it is so very thin.
And the pull of barbarism is so strong.
As P.J. OâRourke once wrote, it will always be more fun to run around in the hills 
with guns and sleep with ideology-addled college girls than it is to get up at 6:00 am 
every day, and drive off to work, building your little bit of civilization.
All of which makes it imperative that civilizations be willing to robustly
defend themselves.

Rome didnât collapse because the barbarians were too strong for Roman legions to 
defeat. Rome collapsed because its citizens no longer regarded the defense of Rome as 
either a duty or an honor, and entrusted it to mercenaries who, being mainly 
barbarians themselves, were unwilling to defend it against barbarism.

Todayâs overcivilization, however, is even more dangerous than the type that leveled 
Rome. Today, the overcivilized portion of the citizenry shies away from any defense of 
civilization at all

They worry that our use of force will be illegal unless we can get the UN to sign on. 
They quail at the thought of quagmires. They deride the goal of democratization as 
They refuse to "judge" other cultures for fear of seeming bigoted. Nor will they ever 
attempt to assert the superiority of our civilization, despite the fact that it 
eliminated chattel slavery throughout the world, healed a multitude of diseases, and 
put men on the moon.
No doubt such moral vanity makes the overcivilized think well of themselves.

But the barbarians regard such moral preening with smiles as keen as the
blade of a dagger.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceânot soap-boxingâplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'âwith its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsâis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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