-Caveat Lector- < http://www.total411.info/2005/08/sudden-response-05-in-limbo.html >


  • Media note: Total411.info webmaster on 1260 AM in Santa Fe New Mexico at 5pm MDT

    (Total411.info ) August 20 -- The pivotal Sudden Response 05 military nuclear terror drill scheduled for August 17 remains in limbo.

    After a series of events beginning with a June 29 NORTHCOM press release from now-fired General Kevin Byrnes' command at Ft. Monroe, "Sudden Response 05" was exposed in the public consciousness as the likely venue for the nuclear event that would would establish the pretext for open nuclear warfare against Iran.

    With the Charleston drill postponed twice so far, knowlegable observers ask if there is a ship somewhere offshore with the neocon-pretext nuke, searching for a port willing to take its cargo -- not unlike the infamous 1987 New York garbage barge. With a worm recently shutting down U.S. Customs computers, forcing hand-processing of cargo, genuine port security officers around the country should be on watch.

    Meanwhile, questions remain about the role of the rather shadowy Area Maritime Security Committees (AMSCs) in all of this. A 2002 federal law created under the auspices of the U.S. Coast Guard, "Area Maritime Security Committees" consisting of members from federal, state, local and private sectors to centralize control of port security.

    An April 2005 report by the Congressional General Accounting Office (GAO) focuses on AMSC operations at four ports, and what it has to say about Charleston is very interesting. According to the GAO report, Charleston's AMSC is different from other AMSCs because "The area maritime security committee for the port of Charleston has a separate intelligence subcommittee made up of members that have security clearances." No official website has published a list of members of this AMSC. Who are they -- particularly these special intelligence subcommittee members?

    That same GAO report also mentions that only three ports in the nation have special interagency operations centers. From GAO:
    Interagency operational centers can provide continuous information about maritime activities and involve various agencies directly in operational decisions using this information. Radar, sensors, and cameras offer representations of vessels and facilities. Other data are available from intelligence sources, including data on vessels, cargo, and crew...

    In Charleston, four federal agencies (DOJ, Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) coordinate in a unified command structure, and each of these agencies feeds information into the center. Eight state or local agencies (such as the county sheriff and the state's law enforcement division) have participants at the center full-time, and eight others participate on an as-needed or part-time basis. Federal and nonfederal officials told us that information sharing has improved, since participants from multiple agencies are colocated with each other and work together to identify potential threats by sharing information.
    GAO goes on to report that DOJ (Department of Justice) runs the op-center for Charleston. Where this operations center is located in unclear. There is, however, a U.S. Attorney's Office at 151 Meeting St., just blocks from the water.

    But back to these AMSCs. On Thursday morning, Homeland Security's Transportation Security Agency (TSA) suddenly announced that the series of AMSC terror drills called PortSTEP, complete with maercenary "private contractors" would begin in San Francisco Bay that day. On Friday morning, a mysterious explosion took place beneath the streets of downtown San Francisco. Was the exercise still going on Friday? Bay Area activists and researchers should seek to bring Geiger counters and radacs and other devices to Market St. ASAP to check this out.



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