-Caveat Lector-

Hi all,

With determining who the 'Seed of David' is and with talk on "the young king
is dead" -JFK etc I'd like to add that the Kennedys were Irish royal blood.
Also I read that one of the Irish PMs - O'Neill was heir to the Irish
throne. The other thing of interest was in the book Dope Incorporated and it
said the British PM had to be descended from Robert the Bruce. I also read
in the paper that a lot of the British cabinet came from one small area of
Scotland.  I would recommend the book The Black Sun - Montauk's
Nazi -Tibetan connection by Peter Moon just to see just how deeply engrained
this Aryan control, especially the Scottish connection with the Nazis is.
Personally I think its the Aryans v the Seed of David - people choosing one
or the other to support in their political affiliation. Like
Aryan/Celtic/CIA v the royal/Freemasons.

Anyone got any more light on this please? Thanks.
This could maybe get simplified except for the alien control. So far I've
heard Pleiadian-Aryan and Freemason - Sirius but this is only from books.


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