-Caveat Lector-

America's Daily Net Newspaper
Nitro News


Commentary by Jim Keith

If you have any doubt that a New World Order of total surveillance and
control is about to arrive in your neighborhood, then browse a website that
gives a foreshadowing of the future, and may tip your scales toward total

Located at www.idchip.com and headlined, "Building a Cashless World," the
site is run by Global Monetary LLP. It claims $5 billion in assets, and
offices in Seattle, Zurich, Nairobi, Montevideo, and Singapore, with
headquarters in Bentonville, Arizona. Global Monetary is offering qualified
persons $250 if they take a below-the-skin electronic implant in the palm of
their hand.

According to the Global Monetary website, "The IDchip tm implant is a very
small electronic device that is painlessly implanted into the tissue of your
right palm. It leaves no scar and is not visible in any way. You will not be
able to feel it in your hand, as the device is mostly soft flexible plastic.
It will never need to be removed as it is continually recharged by the
proprietary mouse." The computer mouse "interfaces directly with the
electronic implant in your palm thus establishing a fool proof electronic ID
system for e-commerce over the internet and in stores... Once operational
you will be able to purchase everything without the need of cash or even a
credit card!"

Who is qualified to take the chip? "Eventually, everyone will be qualified
to become a member, but now all you need is a qualified computer and to meet
demographic qualifications." Demographic qualifications are not much
elaborated upon in the company's literature, beyond an enquiry in their
questionnaire about "racial composition."

The reason that Global Monetary is offering a fee for people to take the
chip is, "We understand that the general public is uncomfortable with the
notion of implanted electronic devices. So we feel we need to offer
substantial incentive until such time as it has gained the public

The company informs us that they are "aggressively building a proprietary
global system of customer tracking and profiling. From this, profit
potential will emerge in the form of merchant fees and fees associated with
market targeting for customer research and law enforcement."

So, how do you sign up to take the chip? Simply fill in the form
conveniently provided at the website, and, "If your application is accepted,
a customer service representative will contact you to schedule a time for a
certified technician to painlessly affect the implant procedure. He will set
up the IDchip tm software and mouse on your home computer and will be
available to answer any questions you might have."

On top of all this, we are told, "Global Monetary is very active in the
world community and is an avid supporter and contributor to the United
Nations." Being big fans of the U.N., Global Monetary even offers a
computerized link to the organization's website, and a gallery of photos and
information about recent wonderments of global intervention performed by the

There you have it: the implant devices that the anti-New World Order types
have been warning us about for a half-century or more have suddenly arrived
in Anytown, U.S.A., not to mention Nairobi. Not to worry, though. Global
Monetary reassures us, "People have been made frightened of such devices by
television programs, etc., but there is no justifiable reason for concern."

Actually, I think the folks at Global Monetary know perfectly well that it
isn't TV programs that have scared people off taking electronic implants in
the hand. I won't belabor the similarities of the Global Monetary chip to
certain biblical prophecies about the Mark of the Beast, but they are enough
to give even such a confirmed skeptic as myself pause to shudder.

But therein lies the rub. For you see, the website is part of an intriguing
project run by Bill Cross. He wants to record a glimpse of how humans will
react when such chip technology truly becomes available in the 21st Century.
And according to him, visitors are signing up for his imaginary implants in
droves. What started out as a humorous test in psychology has turned into a
shocking glimpse of the future.

Cross is totally confounded that so many people are willing to receive the
"Mark of the Beast." Would you take it for $250?


Download video from countdown.org that details chip technology.

Read last week's Jim Keith column

Jim Keith, a Nitro News Columnist, is one of America's best known conspiracy
writers, having penned over ten published books. His works include Okbomb, a
revealing account of the Oklahoma City bombing, and the acclaimed Casebook
On The Men In Black. Keith has appeared on multiple television and radio
programs, including Coast To Coast AM with Art Bell (listen). His column is
published exclusively on the Nitro News website each week, but does not
necessarily reflect the views of the Editor and staff.


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