-Caveat Lector-

Dear Brigade,

"Opponents say the deal has drained jobs from the United States by
encouraging companies to relocate to Mexico, hire low-paid workers and
ship the manufactured products back ...  Republican candidate Pat
Buchanan calls for a stop to NAFTA when he campaigns in South Carolina,
warning against the "deindustrialization of America.'' Most other candidates
both parties either support  the deal or have not made it an issue."

GO PAT  GO!!!!


Date sent:          Thu, 26 Aug 1999 03:19:27 -0700
From:               gwbrown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bush Pushes Free Trade in Region --
Worried About Jobs Heading South

San Antonio Express-News, AP Texas By Katie Fairbank

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) - Texas Gov. George W. Bush pitched open trade
Wednesday to a part of the country where many feel stung by it, declaring,
"We'll be prosperous if this nation does not retreat within its borders.''

Bush opened a three-day Southern swing with a series of events in South
Carolina, where his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination are
working hard for an early February primary. Next come campaign stops and
fund-raisers in North Carolina and Georgia.

Bush has been a strong advocate of the North American Free Trade
Agreement pioneered by his father when he was president and put into effect
in 1993 by President Clinton.

Texas exports to Mexico have jumped by more than 16 percent in two years
on the strength of NAFTA. But the results have been uneven by industry and
region, with critics citing a particular toll on textile mills and other
industries of
the Carolinas.

``The fearful build walls,'' Bush told the Charleston Rotary Club in a wide-
ranging stump speech that included his usual defense of liberalized trade.

He acknowledged harm done to the textile industry and said, without being
specific, that he supports ``anti-dumping'' laws to prevent some economic
sectors from being obliterated. But in the main, he said, the United States
must compete in the world.

``I say that free trade is healthy for our economy,'' he told reporters. ``We
want Mexico to succeed, not fail. After all, they are our friends.''

Later, Bush dropped the free trade segment when he spoke to a packed
crowd at a local country club.

In North Carolina, announcements of major plant closures have been made
three times just this year, eliminating jobs.

Supporters say NAFTA has been a success, citing increased exports and
improved relations with neighbors. Opponents say the deal has drained jobs
from the United States by encouraging companies to relocate to Mexico, hire
low-paid workers and ship the manufactured products back.

Republican candidate Pat Buchanan calls for a stop to NAFTA when he
campaigns in South Carolina, warning against the ``deindustrialization of
America.'' Most other candidates in both parties either support
   the deal or have not made it an issue.

-----------------  end   ---------------------
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