-Cavet Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>  -Cui Bono-

Dave Hartley

*** Tibetan leader rests after defecting

DHARMSALA, India (AP) - A teen-age Tibetan Buddhist leader
recuperated Saturday in the Dalai Lama's house after his torturous trek
across the Himalayas from China, a defection that surprised Tibetan exiles
and embarrassed Beijing. The flight of the 17th Karmapa and his five
followers, including his 24-year-old sister, is the most significant
exodus since the Dalai Lama and tens of thousands of Tibetans departed
their homeland after a failed 1959 uprising against Chinese rule. The
Dalai Lama's administration made its first public comment Saturday about
the defection. It has been reticent to talk about his arrival, for fear of
reprisals in Tibet and out of consideration for India, which fought a war
with China in 1962 but has recently enjoyed progress in trade relations.
See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563130408-f23 ***
Also: China still has Panchen Lama, see
http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563130054-93f *** Also:
Buddhist's exile spotlights problem, see
http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563126171-e55 *** And:
Tibetan leader leaves guest house, see

Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000
From: Palden Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Central Asia and the Karmapa

Dear friends

I wish to share with you my 'take' on a few current affairs happening at

What is the connection between the Chechen war, Afghanistan, Kashmir and
the recent flight of a 14-year old Tibetan Lama (HH Karmapa XVII) from

I would suggest that it is this.  Central Asia is the last area of the
world which suffers outright imperialism.  This used to be called 'The
Great Game', and it involved Britain too, in the days of the Raj 100 years
ago.  The connection between these disparate events is:  Central Asia (from
the Caucasus to Sinkiang to Mongolia to Tibet to Afghanistan) is on the
edge of finding its true identity and key role in the world - and these
separate events are advance signs of a mega-situation building up.  And, I
would suggest, the likely catalyst of this big change is this lama, Karmapa
- who stands not only to be the personage who presides over the 'freeing'
of Tibet, but also the one who might, by indirect means, shepherd the
freeing up of Central Asia.

Culturally-religiously, this involves the fusion or interaction of very
different cultures - Buddhist, Muslim, shamanistic and post-Socialist (note
that Christianity isn't involved).  The first stage of this change was the
fall of USSR and the founding of the post-socialist Sunni Muslim Central
Asian republics in the 1990s.  The next stage is the rebirth of Tibet,
Afghanistan, Mongolia and East Turkestan, from the Caucasus to the borders
of 'China proper' - which, except for Afghanistan and Kashmir, concerns the
political future and the prevalence of truth/reality in China, the world's
most populous nation, and in Russia.

The Karmapa is both a religious and a political figure, like the Dalai
Lama.  He's a kind of joint Buddhist papal figure, with the Dalai and
Panchen Lamas.  While the Dalai Lama is a philosopher who has admirably
'held' the Tibetans during their exile/oppression phase in history, the
Karmapa is, for want of a better term, an advanced enlightened shaman - and
he and the Dalai Lama are also deep soul-friends.  Karmapa's walking out of
Tibet over the Millennium is a sign and omen of large import.  Check
out  http://www.maui.net/~tsurphu/karmapa/  for more information on him.

While I must own my own bias here - the Karmapa in his last incarnation was
my teacher in the 1970s, and my adopted Tibetan name (Karma Palden Sonam)
was given to me by him, and his voluntary exile from Tibet is personally
significant to me - I suggest that you watch this man carefully.  He's
young at present - what an act for a 14-year old to make!  He will probably
be kept hidden for a while - amongst other things, for him to complete his
religious and political education - but by 2010 things will be different,
and a new generation of Tibetans and post-Communist Central Asians will be
in the ascendancy.  Karmapa's HQ in exile is Rumtek monastery in Sikkim -
which itself is in slightly disputed territory between India and China.

>From the position of my own personal bias, I ask that you extend
supportive prayers toward the Karmapa.  From my position as a geopolitical
analyst and historian, I suggest you simply watch this man!  And
also:  look into the inner significance of the struggles going on in
Central Asia at present - Chechnya, Kashmir, West China, Afghanistan, the
oilfields in Azerbaijan, the Siberian republics of Russia, Mongolia and the
C Asian republics.  Keep an eye on this issue, because I think it is
important for the world as a whole.  This area of the world has been hidden
away for a long time, and it's about to emerge again.  Remember, in
history, that the largest empire the world has ever seen - that of the
Mongols - came from here.  Something is brewing....


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