
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Paul Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tainting Evidence
Date: Sunday, June 04, 2000 3:55 PM


Look what reviewers are saying about TAINTING EVIDENCE

Washington Post/David Burnham

Because most of the critics have aimed their fire at the processing of
individual cases brought in geographically dispersed jurisdictions over the
last decade or so, however, the collective weight of these negative
judgements has not been obvious. Tainting Evidence, a powerful new book by
John F. Kelly and Phillip K. Wearne, has now provided this disturbing
perspective. The documented failures of the lab, they argue, are not isolated
events. Rather, they are strong evidence of systematic rot.

Through extensive interviews, detailed analyses of the FBI’s forensic work in
selected cases, and the intense mining of government documents obtained under
the Freedom of Information Act, Kelly and Wearne persuasively argue that the
lab has frequently failed to meet the scientific and ethical standards
required of such an important institution. They further contend that when
these problems have been disclosed, the agency’s typical response has been
denial and coverup rather than meaningful corrective action. They finally
assert that the recent remedial steps ordered by FBI Director Louis Freeh,
largely as the result of Whitehurst’s very public disclosures, are not

Examing how well or poorly a powerful and secretive agency like the FBI
performs its work is one of the most difficult and important tasks that any
reporter can take on. Kelly and Wearne have met this difficult challenge,
successfully documenting a shocking condition that should outrage every
American concerned with justice.

Publishers Weekly

The media has familiarized the public with the vocabulary of forensic
science: DNA identification, fingerprinting, bomb signatures, etc. However,
as journalists Kelly and Wearne make clear in this expose of the F.B.I. crime
lab, some of these practices are dubious at best, and any of them is only as
effective as the scientist behind it. Their book is painstakingly researched
and detailed - some of it shocking - this volume belongs on the reading list
of any criminal defense attorney as a road map to the successful
cross-examination of forensic experts.

Library Journal

The reputation of the F.B.I. has suffered in recent years, and this book will
do nothing to rehabilitate it. It is a scathing criticism, alleging sloppy,
inaccurate forensics, pro-prosecution bias, and false testimony. While
portraying an agency more concerned with image and power than with accurate
forensic science. As a result, they suggest that thousands of old verdicts
should be revisited. Admirers of the F.B.I. crime lab, such as David Fisher
in Hard Evidence, may disagree with the conclusions here, but it is
compelling reading for anyone interested in criminal justice or forensics.

The Champion/Journal of the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys

Mr. Hoover’s laboratory has operated with impunity and without proper
oversight for decades. Tainting Evidence allows a peek into the problems that
came about because of these practice.

The book employs case studies to illustrate how evidence is tainted. Major
problems are revealed which primarily relate to contamination and lack of
standards and controls. These charges were confirmed by the IG investigations.

Efforts by the FBI laboratory to hide proficiency testing results, to write
purposefully vague and thus misleading reports is shown time and time again.
Lack of proper documentation of testing results, and of controls and
standards, is the theme of the case studies.

Anyone who is involved with scientific laboratory evidence should read this
book. While it is about the FBI, similar problems exist in most if not all
"crime" labs. Other labs have similar problems, because the influence of the
FBI has been enormous. Many state and local labs are run in the same fashion.
This is particularly true when it comes to report writing. Reports typically
fail to mention any technical underlying  data. Also, the same corrupting
forces work upon the forensic scientists in all labs. The prosecutor is
intent upon winning; the more and more convincing evidence from the forensic
scientist the better.

Being armed with an understanding of the issues presented by Tainting
Evidence, will allow the defense attorney to demand good and proper forensic

Journal of Forensic Science/American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Ronald K. Wright, MD, JD/Director, Division of Forensic Pathology, University
of Miami Medical School

Forensic science is a shotgun marriage of science and law. This unhappy
marriage is exposed, at some of its worst, in Tainting Evidence. The authors
demonstrate that the FBI laboratory, which through years of carefully honed
public relations, dating back to J. Edgar Hoover, has created an image of
infallibility. Analytical science is never infallible; the probabilities of
error can be reduced, but never eliminated. As the FBI laboratory is believed
by many in and out of the FBI to be infallible, and as it is not, there is
the added tension of infidelity in this shotgun marriage.

The book concentrates on the "bombers," the folks who do the analytical
chemistry defining the chemical composition of detonated explosives, and who
also create and test bombs. Often without decontaminating after doing the
latter and handling the former. The exploits and errors of this group in
handling the Unabomber, VANPAC, World Trade, and Oklahoma City case are
examined in detail with good documentation. In addition, the problems with
coverup and just plain poor crime-scene search are documented in the Ruby
Ridge case. Problems in the DNA unit are explored, using the O.J. Simpson
case, as the vehicle. Finally, the hair and fiber unit, and some extremely
bad practices by an examiner from that unit are revealed in a series of cases
including the Jeffrey MacDonald prosecution.

The book reads well. The facts that I know first hand are accurate, such as
the MacDonald case, and what I have observed of FBI laboratory personnel,
generally working with them as prosecution witnesses.

I recommend this book to anyone who works in or with forensic science
laboratories. The book teaches that the approach to problems should be to
effect change, not attempt to cover them up. Further, the book shows that it
is important to continually strive to improve our science.

a Pulitzer Prize.

Whether you are an attorney, forensic scientist, professor, instructor, or
concerned citizen, can you afford to be without this book?

Autographed first edition copies of Tainting Evidence are now available
direct from the authors for $20 plus $3.20 priority mail postage which
represents an overall discount of 33%. Send checks or money orders to:

John Kelly
1832 Biltmore Street NW
Apt 35
Washington, D.C. 20009

Orders of ten or more available for $15/book.

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
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