> The phone companies don't have a clue how to manage an Internet
> business. DSL is not a big deal. These publicly-regulated local phone
> companies are just incredibly incompetent regarding Internet
> technology. I
> know. My PacBell experience is just unbelievable... Steve)

We have Bell Atlantic/Verizon, which was mentioned in the article. As
soon as cable modem is available in our area (within the next month or
so), we are getting that, and a cell phone (through our long-distance
provider), and tossing the landline completely. In the last year, our
phone bill has gone from $17 a month to $45 a month, just for basic
charges. That does not include one minute of toll calls. Verizon has
proposed to the Public Utilities commission not only a basic rate
increase, but REQUIRING customers to purchase 15 minutes of regional
toll calls (in state; I use my long-distance carrier) AND a minimum of
THREE custom calling features (Caller ID, call waiting etc.) which are
now optional. At least the state ratepayer advocate brought this to
light, giving consumers time to protest and/or plan alternatives.

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