
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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From: "Samuel Konkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LeftLibertarian] CIA Creates Palestinian Intelligence!
Date: Sunday, July 23, 2000 4:16 AM

Did someone else post this when I wasn't looking (or haven't caught
up to yet)? If not, this matches and exceeds the IRS training the
newly-freed Russians how to collect taxes in 1992.

Freely as ever, SEK3

> [forwarded to me by John Fast] Special to World Tribune.com
Saturday, June 17, 2000

RAMALLAH [MENL] -- U.S. intelligence is raising its profile in an
effort to oversee and train Palestinian  security  officers  amid
heightened tension in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Palestinian Authority officials said the CIA will  supervise  the
construction  and  operation  of  the  Palestinian   intelligence
headquarters north of  Jericho.  The  building  as  well  as  the
training of PA security officers will be financed by  the  United

The PA has also decided to  build  a  new  headquarters  for  the
General Intelligence service in Ramallah. About 12 acres of  land
have already been allocated. Again, CIA officers  will  supervise
and finance the construction  as  well  as  the  installation  of
advanced surveillance and electronic equipment.

PA officials said CIA officers are also training  Force  17,  the
praetorian guard of PA Chairman Yasser Arafat. They said five CIA
representatives are responsible for the supervision and  training
of the PA security officers.

Opposition sources  said  the  CIA  and  State  Department  funds
several Palestinian institutions in the West Bank. They said  CIA
representatives  have  attend  the  interrogation   of   detained
Palestinian opposition members.

PA  officials  said  the  CIA  officers  are  also  involved   in
monitoring the security situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
as well as counterterrorism cooperation between  Israel  and  the
Palestinians. Israeli security sources report rising  tension  in
the PA territories and have warned of new violence by the end  of
the month amid the stalemate in negotiations between  Israel  and
the PA.

Contact World Tribune.com at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(c) worldtribune.com


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