-Caveat Lector-

My husband had the same procedure in 1999 AFTER a heart attack, not
before. Inserting a stent, a tube made of some hypoallergenic material
I forget what, into the artery to keep it open, is much less risky than
bypass surgery. It is done during catheterization. It also has a much
shorter recovery time. There is no large incision, and the ribs and
sternum are not broken like they are in bypass surgery.

As for the medications they won't disclose, this is a likely scenario:
An ACE inhibitor like captopril, a beta blocker like metoprolol, a
calcium-channel blocker like inderal -- those 3 control blood pressure;
a statin (Lipitor or Zocor) to control cholesterol; nitroglycerin for
chest pains; a blood thinner, either aspirin or warfarin, to prevent
clotting; possibly a diuretic like hydrochlorothiazide. No matter what
he does with his weight, no matter what the numbers say, he will be on
many of these medicines for the rest of his life. They don't seem to
affect memory or intelligence, but they can cause mood swings,
especially the metoprolol.


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