Killer Move Down To End 21-Year Gold Bear Market 

May 31, 2001

  Gold $265.50 down 40 cents
  Silver $4.38 down 4 cents 

First, from John Brimelow: 

* * *

Indian ex duty premiums: AM $4.68, PM $5.32, with world 
gold at $267.20 and $266. Above legal import point, 
although showing understandable signs of shock. 

MarketVane's Bullish Consensus for gold fell 12 points 
to 43%, the biggest 1day fall since October '97, when 
gold first fell through $300. (The only other double- 
digit decline over the past 10 years occurred in 
November '93 as that bull move expired.) 

Amongst the very few positive wimpers, there is a 
marked tendency to hope for a large decline in open 
interest today, as evidence that the excessive spec 
long has been cut back. Standard London suggests that 
as much as 75% of the large spec long may have gone. 
However, if, as seems possible, predator funds were 
actively shorting over the past two days, this 
indicator might well prove misleading. Only when the 
CFTC data is published at the end of next week will it 
be possible to adjudicate this. 

A significant development last night was the 
capitulation of the dean of American newsletter 
writers, Richard Russell. Over quite a few years, 
Russell's strategy has been to watch gold closely, 
sometimes buying and sometimes selling shares and 
options, but constantly advocating the steady 
accumulation of bullion coins on a classical gold bug 
view. Consequently his comments on "gold items" below 
is particularly notable: 

"What to do with the golds? Personally, I'm partially 
giving up. I sold half of my options, and I'm holding 
the other half, which don't expire until December. But 
the gold action is discouraging. I wouldn't buy any 
gold items here, and I wouldn't hold a bunch of gold 
items either. I repeat, damn it, more money has 
probably been lost on gold and silver than has ever 
been made. That's the metal markets, love 'em or leave 

Serious students of the gold market will want to read 
the LBMA conference paper by Herve Ferhani of the Bank 
of France on the gold leasing market. It appears at 
Ferhani makes clear the BOF's determination to force up 
lease rates and contract the volume of gold financing, 
which cannot have pleased those LBMA attendees sober 
enough to listen. 

-- JB 

* * *

Only two weeks ago the Richard Russells, Bill 
Fleckensteins, Lawrence Kudlows, et al., were explaining 
that gold was rallying because of increasing inflation 
expectations, etc. Gone overnight? How do they explain 
gold's meteoric rise and collapse? Perhaps they should 
contact Bill King: 

* * *

The King Report
Thursday May 31, 2001 

As we mentioned, yesterday was important for gold 
because futures settle next day, and the banker-broker 
cabal, under Fed protection, needed to push gold below 
last week's $275 breakout. Gold tanked $7.70 on 
increased central bank lending of gold (principally 
Asian central banks). Is it just a coincidence that 
central banks yesterday desired to increase their gold 
lending? What is the quid pro quo for the Asian banks 
that knocked gold? Anyone who doubts the conspiracy and 
its scope doesn't understand or pay attention to how 
markets work. 

The yen has strengthened noticeably against the dollar 
lately and gained 7 percent on the Euro -- a big move. 
Will the Japanese enter the gold-buying arena again as 
they have in the past? Some commentary on the Japanese: 

By Lance Lewis of 

"Treasuries were uncharacteristically quiet with 
equities under so much pressure as the long end 
continues to sit near its lows and to be unable to even 
bounce. This may have something to do with noises 
coming out of Japan of late. My friend John Mesrobian 
pointed out an article a couple weeks ago in the Los 
Angeles Times by Kenichi Ohmae, who is advising Japan's 
new prime minister on economic matters. The article 
basically warned that Japan's financial institutions 
may be forced liquidate their U.S. assets in the next 
few months (the Japanese own 10 percent of U.S. 
treasuries and are the largest foreign holders) in 
order to clean up their chronic banking problems. 

Now that article in and of itself means nothing. But it 
may be worth giving a little credence to when taken 
together with the sharp rally in the yen last week, the 
inability of the bond market to rally over the last few 
days, recent statements by the Japanese government 
reflecting on the possibility of using Japan's foreign 
reserves as well as foreign assets to clean up their 
banking mess, and the fact that high-level Japanese 
government officials are in Washington today meeting 
with Secretary O'Neill and will meet with Uncle Al 
tomorrow. If the market is beginning to sniff out that 
the Japanese are planning to sell their U.S. treasury 
holdings, it would certainly explain a great many 
things. Obviously, such a move by the Japanese would 
have grave implications for U.S. financial assets. On 
the flip side, it might be just what the doctor ordered 
to help Japan out of its 10-year funk. 

* * * 

>From THC in Osaka, Japan: 

"The mood here in Japan is definitely beginning to tilt 
toward the positive. Not necessarily in economic terms, 
but simply on a psychological level. The people are 
strongly behind new Prime Minister Koizumi and Mrs. 
Tanaka, the daughter of the famous PM Tanaka Kakuei. 

"As an example, a sumo wrestler recently dislocated his 
knee, but went on to win the tournament despite the 
immense pain. PM Koizumi went to the awards ceremony 
and presented a hugely heavy silver trophy to the 
wrestler. He picked up the trophy by himself (it is too 
heavy for most politicians, who in the past have had 
supporters assist in holding the trophy), and strayed 
from the standard fare in his speech by adding 
something like, 'You did well in overcoming the 
terrible pain to rise to victory. I am deeply moved by 
your accomplishment.' 

"This was excellent timing. I felt that the Japanese 
people are ready to join Mr. Koizumi in bravely moving 
forward in a restructuring of their economy as well as 
the debt problem. 

"This is just one small example, but I don't remember 
every seeing the mass media and the people here so 
excited about government. People love to spend time 
watching the Diet debates on TV each afternoon. 

"Change is in the air."

* * * 

Either the Bush Administration is in the process of 
ending the gold fraud or they are going to go down as 
the biggest bunch of hypocrites to run Washington. 
Clinton's crew was a bad lot and serious hypocrites 
themselves, but we all know that. Bush, Ashcroft (with 
his prayer meetings), and crew are supposed to be 

We ought to know soon enough. 

My take on the recent gold price explosion and sudden 
collapse is that the Gold Cartel lost control once 
again of their collusion and were bailed out by the 
official sector -- I believe for the last time. 

It is interesting that this sudden drama occurred at 
the end of May -- the time Bob Chapman reported that 
Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan gave the bullion banks to 
clean up their act. It has not yet played out the way 
we expected or wanted, but that should be right around 
the corner. 

I can never remember a time when gold shot right back 
up after a sharp liquidation like this. It will require 
time to regain its composure for a move much higher. 
That could be a matter of a couple of weeks. 

My reasoning that the gold price fix game is on the way 

* Lease rates are still very high with the one-month at 
2.2 percent. They are not retreating to anywhere close 
to the norm. 

* The Reg Howe lawsuit. The Gold Cartel is in serious 
jeopardy of being caught flatfooted if the judge rules 
Reg's way. If the ruling goes against them and 
discovery is allowed, the Gold Cartel will lose control 
of their spin machine -- that includes the Bush 
administration too. It will belong to GATA and Reg 

* JP Morgan/Chase stopped the June gold deliveries. Of 
the 3,200 contacts delivered today, Morgan took 1,566 
of them. Carr futures stopped 669 contracts. Since Carr 
will cease doing business on Comex soon, my guess is 
that they will give up the gold to Morgan. Another 
surprise was that the Bank of Nova Scotia delivered a 
sizeable 2,949 contacts of the 3,200 hundred. They had 
been the big takers (stoppers) the past few deliveries. 
As of two weeks ago they were expected to do so again. 

What happened? I will never know for sure, but my guess 
is that a deal was struck. Scotia was let in on what 
the Gold Cartel was going to do to bomb the gold price 
and was allowed to sell June futures at much higher 
prices. In return for that inside information, Scotia 
was to deliver the gold to Morgan. 

Morgan wants the gold to cover its shorts or to have 
deliverable Comex gold in house to prevent squeezes in 
the coming delivery months as their con game is 
unwound. I find it interesting that Goldman Sachs was 
the big gold stopper in August 1999, just prior to the 
Washington Agreement. 

* Former Treasury Secretary Rubin's new firm, Citibank, 
today put out a buy advisory to its clients on the 
Canadian dollar. In the past, a sustained rise in the 
gold price has directly boosted the Canadian dollar. 

* The two Princes of Darkness (Andy Smith of Mitsui and 
Ted Arnold of Prudential) are bullish after being 
bearish since the cabal commenced operations. These 
long-time mega-bears knew that the fix was in on gold. 
They had the inside scoop and made their reputations by 
calling the never-ending gold bear market. They 
probably have the word now that the end is at hand. 

* GATA is all over this. We are everywhere they turn. 
Our credibility is growing by leaps and bounds. I 
received a call today from a Paine Webber broker who 
was made aware of what GATA had to say about the 
rigging of the gold price. He, like most, was very 
skeptical. He called today, stunned by the recent gold 
price action, saying he has never seen anything so 
obvious as this "organized stuff job." I have a dinner 

* The big buyers are still there. The supply/demand 
deficit is increasing. The gold loans are growing to 
more dangerous levels by the day. A gold-related 
financial market disaster could occur at any time. 

* The open interest is extremely low again. Yesterday 
the open interest dropped an astonishing 18,209 
contacts as the specs were obliterated -- leaving the 
total at a very low 115,781 contracts. Once the pros 
are convinced that the remaining weak longs have 
exited, they will be buyers for the big move up.

* That brings us back to Mike Bolser and his wonderful 
work. One of Mike's major points is that not only is 
the Gold Cartel afraid of a gold derivative time bomb 
blowing up the system, but they are afraid of an 
interest rate derivative meltdown that could be set off 
by an exploding gold price. Sixteen trillion dollars of 
interest rate derivatives on the books of J.P. Morgan 
Chase gone amok could do that. 

What they are afraid of is the VOLATILITY TIME BOMB. 
The increased volatility numbers blew up Ashanti's 
hedge book. That is what blew up Long-Term Capital 
Management. The Nobel prize winners at LTCM never 
factored in ballooning volatility. Their bet was that 
volatility would revert, or converge, to normal as 
their black-box models said it would. It did not. Their 
margin calls went off the charts. This threatened to 
set off a chain reaction of defaults in the financial 
system. So they were bailed out by the Federal Reserve 
and other New York banks. 

Who is going to bail out the 16 trillion at J.P. Morgan 
Chase when the volatility of its interest rate 
derivative positions goes amok? 

Here is the scary part. I might have to start referring 
to Alan Greenspan as Doctor Doom. What has this man 
allowed to be put in place? Will his deliberate 
deception about the gold market go down as one of the 
most destructive maneuvers in financial market history? 

I bring your attention to an Associated Press story of 
November 2, 2000. The title reads, "Greenspan urges 
exemption of derivatives from regulation." 

"Washington -- Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan 
urged Congress on Thursday to act quickly to exempt 
from regulation the $80 trillion market in so-called 
over-the counter derivatives, saying legal uncertainty 
is posing 'unacceptable risks to the country's 
financial system.' 

"Greenspan, testifying before the Senate Agriculture 
Committee, asked lawmakers to adopt the recommendations 
of a White House Task Force that included exempting 
over-the-counter derivatives from government regulation 
and allowing the financial institutions using them to 
police the market themselves." 

This is before the same committee to which Doctor Doom 
stated, "Central banks stand ready to lease gold in 
increasing quantities should the price rise." 

I think the man has lost it. The ramifications of the 
direction in which he is cheerleading unsuspecting 
politicians are staggering. 

Just over a month after his pleading to Congress, I 
brought up the following in Midas commentary last 

* * * 


Bank Credit and Gold Loans 

"New York, Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Chase Manhattan Corp. 
and J.P. Morgan & Co. said fourth-quarter earnings 
will miss estimates because of lower trading revenue 
and higher merger-related costs. 

"Both companies said earnings from capital markets 
activities are falling because customers are trading 
less and currency trading isn't as lucrative. Also, 
losses rose in Chase's private equity business, which 
had swelled earnings in past quarters." 

The balance sheets of these two major bullion dealers 
are contracting; earlier in the day the Bank of England 
warned of credit risks due to overly heavy investments 
in the telecom industry (following the heads up Frank 
Veneroso gave to the Café weeks ago); and Chase 
Partners is heavily invested in the Internet and 

The is not a good mix to support a massive gold loan 
and gold derivative exposure. Especially with GATA and 
Reg Howe breathing down their necks. 

Maybe that is why Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, 
who also has GATA/Howe barking at his tail, appears to 
be in a bit of a panic to pass his derivative bill. 

"WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 (Dow Jones) -- Treasury Secretary 
Lawrence Summers urged Congress to move ahead with 
passage of legislation to overhaul derivatives 

"We are pleased with the agreement reached last night 
on over-the -counter derivatives," Summers said in 
written statement issued last Thursday morning." 

Could Summers fear that the price of gold could explode 
at any time and expose his scheme, or effect financial 
chaos? Why the rush to pass this bill which will make 
bank derivatives less transparent? Can't it wait for 
the new Congress? 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Chase Bank was the big 
seller today and the one that knocked gold down from 
its highs. 

Chase, Goldman Sachs, Chase, Goldman Sachs. The beat 
goes on with these arrogants. 

* * * 

The picture could not be more clear. The inmates are 
running the asylum. For Greenspan and Summers to do 
what they have done to gold and then argue for J.P. 
Morgan/Chase to regulate its own $16 trillion interest 
rate derivative book is madness. 

God help us. 

The recent gold price bashing ought to be the last 
hurrah for the Gold Cartel. They are on a short leash. 

Gold and the gold shares are the place to be and it 
will remain that way for a long time. 



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