-Caveat Lector-

Well Monica, that is because the ADL (Anti Defemation League) prepared
Hit Hate Lists for the FBI and it contains names of only groups who are
considered "right wingers".

The John Birch Society is included in this list ....so the ADL has a big
propaganda machine and lots of big bucks to turn loose all kinds of
elements against us.......

Just look at your TV today - men kissing men in movies, women kissing
women and you see Liberalism in its rankest form.

Protect your children from these pigs; it is a matter of life and death
- if they break the boy scouts, see how they do it   This corrupt United
Way through the Chamber of Commerce?

It seems, however, greed is always where they get in trouble - ADL
taking $250,000 from Marc Rich and now saying so sorry........

This is the same organization that put Christians, Moslems, and Militias
on hate lists.....and this is the same organization that told their FBI
and BATF friends and one judge to hey, don't go to work today - in
Oklahoma on April 19........Warsaw Ghetto Day.

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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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