-Caveat Lector-

>Cock sucking and butt fucking between two or more males are what
homosexuals consider to be "normal." 

For them, it is normal. It's not normal for everybody, but so what? Why
should people all behave the same. That would be unnatural.

>This is a religious doctrine and has no business being taught in public

It's not a religious doctrine. It's not a doctrine at all. It's a simple
fact of nature, like brachiating or ruminating (neither of which are
"normal" for all creatures either). Some people a are homosexual and
that's what (most) homosexuals do. Teaching about it is part of a
complete biology curriculum.

>How DARE they use My tax money to teach THEIR religion!

It's not religion. If it were, I'd be against being taught with tax
money, too. But it's not. It's biology. Surely you don't oppose the
teaching of biology? And when biology is taught, should  brachiation and
rumination be omitted, simply because all creatures don’t swing from
trees or chew their cud? I think not. Nor do I believe that by teaching
kids that some creatures chew their cud and others swing through trees
do we in any way encourage kids to chew cud or swing through trees.

By the same token, teaching kids about homosexuality in no way
encourages them to actually practice homosexuality. I see nothing wrong
with, as a minor footnote, pointing out as part of this instruction that
some people think homosexuality is wrong, or that they believe this
because of their religion. This is not the teaching of religion. This is
the teaching of sociology. 

But teaching that it actually is wrong, is the teaching of religion, and
has no place in public schools. What’s more, we’re not just talking
about homosexual sex, here. We’re talking about all sex. Sex is part of
biology, a big part, some would say the central part. Kids should be
taught about biology, all of it, not just about the parts that the
practitioners of certain religions approve of. 

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