-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Saudis tell US forces to get out

Foreign soldiers seen as political liability

Ewen MacAskill, diplomatic editor
Saturday January 19, 2002
The Guardian

Saudi Arabia's rulers are poised to throw US strategy in the Middle East into
disarray by asking Washington to pull its forces out of the kingdom because
they have become a "political liability".
Senior Saudi officials have privately complained that the US has "outstayed
its welcome" and that the kingdom may soon request that the American presence
- a product of the Gulf war - is brought to an end.

Both the White House and the US state department insisted yesterday that the
military arrangement between the two countries was still working. The White
House spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said that the president, George Bush,
"believes that our presence in the region has a very helpful and stabilising
effect in a dangerous region".

Relations between the US and Saudi Arabia, Washington's closest Arab ally,
have been severely strained since September 11. Both sides have been
desperately denying for months that there is a rift.

The US is reluctant to withdraw its 4,500 troops from the Prince Sultan air
base, south of Saudi's capital Riyadh, because it could be perceived as a
propaganda victory for Osama bin Laden, who frequently protested at the
presence of non-believers so close to the main Muslim holy sites.

But the increasingly brittle and vulnerable ruling House of Saud is nervous
about an internal revolt by Bin Laden's al-Qaida terror network and other
extremist militants, and has been publicly loosening its links with

The huge Prince Sultan air base played a crucial logistical role in the
bombing of Afghanistan. Withdrawal would upset the military balance in the
Middle East by providing a boost to the Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein. US
planes based in Saudi regularly bomb along the Iraqi border as part of its
policy of containment of Saddam.

Britain, which jointly patrols the Iraqi no-fly zone with the US, has planes
based both in Saudi and Kuwait. A pull-out by Washington would switch the
focus to the British air base in Kuwait, whose leaders try to avoid drawing
attention to the British presence.

Two senior US state department officials have been in Saudi this week:
William Burns, the assistant secretary for the near east, and Lincoln
Bloomfield, the assistant secretary for political and military affairs.

The US state department insisted yesterday that at no point during Mr
Bloomfield's visit, either formally or informally, had the Saudis said they
wanted the US to leave.

But the US ambassador to Saudi, Robert Jordan, was quoted as saying when Mr
Bloomfield arrived in the kingdom: "He is here for consultations with the
Saudi government to review our presence here and to discuss what we need and
what we don't need."

The US secretary of state, Colin Powell, who is in Nepal, denied the Saudis
wanted a withdrawal: "There has been no discussion of such an issue."

Many in the US have been upset with Saudi because not only is it Bin Laden's
native country but 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in the September 11
attacks were from the kingdom. The Saudi media have reported that about 200
Saudis have been captured in Afghanistan fighting with al-Qaida and the

The kingdom is volatile, with a stagnant economy, high unemployment, no
democratic outlets and King Fahd unable to crack down on militant clerics.

Hostility to the US is widespread but that is mirrored in the US where there
is a huge well of resentment that, having fought to push back Iraq in 1991
and having protected Saudi since, Riyadh refused to provide military help
during the Afghan campaign.

Reflecting this, Carl Levin, who heads the US Senate armed services
committee, said: "We need a base in that region, but it seems to me we should
find a place that is more hospitable."

Bin Laden listed as the main justifications for the attacks on New York and
Washington the presence of the US soldiers in the kingdom, US support for
Israel in the conflict with the Palestinians, and the US campaign against
Iraq. He said six years ago: "There is no more important duty than pushing
the American enemy out of the holy land [of Arabia]."

The US could continue its containment of Iraq from aircraft carriers based in
the Gulf. But the US air force secretary, James Roche, said a pull-out would
make life awkward: "It would be difficult, unless we could replicate the air
operations centre somewhere else."

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