I previously wrote

> ...I've compensated for lack of title bars by providing more function key
> actions. One decision I previously reported was using F10 (now changed to
> F4 because of an unnoticed clash) to delete the current window.
> I later decided that just a function key is is too risky, e.g. if I hit F4
> instead of F3 by mistake, ...
> So "delete window" now requires a modifier key + F3.

But scanning ancient CTWM messages revealed a much better solution: use a
two step process rather than two keys.

In a letter From rhia...@falu.nl Sat Mar  4 18:17:15 2017

> I have a nice trick where I bind Super-W to a menu with "f.delete" in it.
> This way I have to hit two keys to close a window.

I then found that I already had a previously unused delete window option
in one of my menus:

    "Delete Window"          f.delete

I've now moved that to the top of the main menu invoked by mouse button 1.

There is also a f.destroy function, which kills not only a window, but also
the application responsible for the window.

So instead of just one operation bound to a combination of two keys, I have
two operations each of which works in two stages: produce pointer, then
click when pointer is on window.

The Destroy process/Delete Window distinction is imporant. I wonder if any
other window manager interface supports both kinds of functionality?

It isn't reflected in delete buttons on title bars of multi-window
applications such as firefox and opera, as far as I know. Instead they
provide separate menus with a 'quit' or 'exit' option to kill the whole
process, rather than an additional button.

Perhaps that's safest for a widely used system.

I apologise if these comments are just noise for members of the list.

I am posting in case there's an important issue I have not thought about,
in connection with headless windows on my laptop.


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