On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 04:24:14PM +0900, Hiroki Sato wrote:
> Gabor PALI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> pg> Hiroki Sato wrote:
> pg> >  When you add a country name next to a language name, please use the
> pg> >  official one.  US is not the official name, and Taiwan is not a
> pg> >  country name from our point of view, for example.
> pg>
> pg> Thank you for your comments.  Could you (or somebody) tell me what
> pg> (naming scheme) to use instead of them?  E.g.:
> pg>
> pg> United States --> United States of America  ?
> pg> China         --> People's Republic of China ?
> ...
> pg> Hungary       --> Republic of Hungary ?
>  I think these three are reasonable.
> pg> Taiwan        --> Republic of China ?
>  This is a politically-sensitive issue.  Recently "Chinese Taipei" is
>  often used compared to Taiwan and R.O.C., and Ma Ying-jeou (the
>  president) says "Chinese Taipei" is the appropriate name for
>  international affairs in an interview about Taiwan's pursuing an
>  observer position in WHO.
>  Any ideas from people in Taiwan?


    Taiwan -> Taiwan 

    Although 'Republic of China' also shows on my passport, but we wouldn't 
    mind leaving the 'Taiwan' standing for us.

    I voted for President Ma. But that does not mean what he says is
    abosultedly right. That's the progress of democracy.
    Since here is neither WHO nor WTO, and obviously we commiters in Taiwan
    contributed lots to the FreeBSD project.
    Please. Thank you for respecting our culture :)
    And thanks god 
    said so.

Alan Cheng-Lung Sung - clsung@

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