On Monday,  6 March 2006 at 12:33:57 -0500, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 10:36 AM +0000 3/6/06, Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
>> pjd         2006-03-06 10:36:33 UTC
>>  FreeBSD src repository
>>  Modified files:
>>    usr.sbin/syslogd     syslogd.8 syslogd.c
>>  Log:
>>  By default (for security reasons) syslogd(8) doesn't create
>>  log files when they don't exist, but sometimes its quite
>>  useful (eg. we use non-standard log files and memory backed
>>  /var/, which is populated on boot).
>>  Add -C option which tells syslogd(8) to create log files if
>>  they don't exist.
> Hmm.  Note that newsyslog includes an option to automatically
> create files. Presumably the log files created by syslogd would
> need to be rotated, in which case they'll already have entries
> in newsyslog.conf.
> The advantage of creating them in newsyslog is that newsyslog
> knows what owner, group, and chmod bits the files should have.
> I would not say that I object to the idea of having this option
> in syslogd, but I'd think people would be much better off using
> newsyslog to create any of the files.

Agreed.  Both have their place.  The syslog man page should refer to
the advantages of newsyslog for this purpose.

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