On (04/11/12 18:13), Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On 2012-Apr-10 21:39:31 +0000, Ryan Steinmetz <z...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> >  New port: net/mosh:
> Ah, you beat me to it.
> A couple of comments:
> - Boost is only a build dependency.  It's not a LIB/RUN dependency.
> - Handling of terminal control functions using defaults (eg CSI m) is
>   broken on FreeBSD.  The fix is
> https://github.com/peterjeremy/mosh/commit/37c86a98793c3615f6356faccafe68394445ae09
> - Handling of command line options is broken on FreeBSD.  The fix is:
> https://github.com/DanielO/mosh/commit/899172bee30de44b6a18a2804fc53091bb000df6
> -- 
> Peter Jeremy


Thanks.  I will make sure these fixes are part of the 1.1.3a update to
the port.


Ryan Steinmetz
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