Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

ke> I would probably like seeing something like an ``Embedded FreeBSD''
ke> chapter in the Handbook, where all available options would be listed,
ke> including NanoBSD, FreeSBIE, and the upcoming TinyBSD too.

 I think it is good for us to have a document for such variants of
 installation method, but I disagree with adding a chapter to Handbook
 for them.  This is because NanoBSD and so on are nothing but special
 methods of build/installation and IMHO they are beyond the scope
 of Handbook.

 As you know, Handbook introduces a basic installation procedure
 and explains several common tasks for system administrators basically
 on the assumption that they are using a normally-installed FreeBSD box.
 So, we include advanced topics beyond the scope such as articles/multi-os
 or article/fbsd-from-scratch (both explain some special methods of
 build/installation) as articles so far.  In short, I think Handbook
 should be organized for average sysadmins, not as an encyclopedia,
 and topics like NanoBSD are too advanced.

Daniel Gerzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

da> What I dislike on articles is that they are not under such view as a
da> Handbook chapters are, so they are getting outdated easier as well as
da> people often dig only in Handbook for information.

 How likely sentences are getting outdated is nothing to do with
 whether it is in Handbook or not, and if people often look for information
 only in Handbook we should encourage them to look at the other materials
 by adding pointers, for example, instead of adding all of information into

| Hiroki SATO

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