Hi Tony,

> I was under the impression that the Unix server didn't do this either
> any more - the The PreservePermissions stuff has been commented out
> for a while because of bugs in it.
Hmm, when I add a shell-script with executable flag set in a v1.11.1p1
Unix CVS-server and check that file out again (of course in a different
directory), it  it still has the executable-flag.

I did not test with other versions, but CVSNT is based on that version or not ?

I understand, that it is not so easy to implement such a feature.
(maybe with an additional ".attrib"-file or something similar at the server-side - 
invisible from the client) ?
But I'm sure you'll find a method how to implement it :-)

How is this stuff transported from the server to the client ?
How does a client CVS-command know how to create a file ?

with regards,

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