On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 00:48:34 +0100, P DoubleYa wrote:

>> As I pointed out in my other message, it is not possible for pserver or
>> sspi to generate this error message, as they don't use named pipes at
>> all.
> Something odd is happening. If I change the Authentication
> (Admin/Preferences) to pserver, I get the following in the console
> NEW CVSROOT: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/project (password authentication)
> When I then try Admin/Login, I get
> cvs login
> cvs [login aborted]: The :ntserver: protocol does not support the login
> command

You have some CVS/Root files hanging around I expect.  CVS uses those in
preference if it finds them.

You can either (a) Delete the sandbox and check it out clean again, or (b)
Change the contents of the CVS/Root files (wincvs 1.3 comes with a script
which will do this for you).


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