Bo Berglund wrote:
> I looked at the dsecription inside the cvswrappers file itself and got 
> confused....
> # Format of wrapper file ($CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers or .cvswrappers)
> #
> #  wildcard     [option value][option value]...
> #
> #  where option is one of
> #  -f           from cvs filter         value: path to filter
> #  -t           to cvs filter           value: path to filter
> #  -m           update methodology      value: MERGE or COPY
> #  -k           expansion mode          value: b, o, kkv, &c
> #
> #  and value is a single-quote delimited value.
> # For example:
> #*.gif -k 'b'
> Does this mean that *only* the values b, o, kkv and c are allowed as 
> arguments?

No, they're just examples.  The -f -t and -m stuff has no meaning any 
more - I assume that's an old repository & has the comments current at 
the time it was created.

> Maybe it should be like this instead?
> *.package -k 'b' -k 'x'
> *.padstack -k 'b' -k 'x'
> *.part -k 'b' -k 'x'
> *.symbol -k 'b' -k 'x'
*.package -kbx
*.padstack -kbx
*.part -kbx
*.symbol -kbx

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