On Thursday 23 of October 2008, Arthur Barrett wrote:
> Arkadiusz,
> > How to disable line endings translations ? It's very annoying feature
> > especially when trying to commit patches into cvs repository
> > (changed line
> > endings == patch no longer applies).
> It sounds as though you are trying to use a unix/linux patch tool on
> windows or mac.  

I'm linux (server) - linux (client).

> If you must use a unix/linux patch tool then use CVSNT on unix/linux to
> check out the file and then use unix/linux to patch the file and commit
> it back. 

The problem happens when I want to commit file (that file is a patch) with 
crlf line endings but cvsnt converts that to lf thus breaking the patch file.

Now you could ask why the patch has crlf line endings inside. That's because 
source files that the patch is going to be applied to have crlf line ending 

> As Bo/Luigi have pointed out - there are ways to get text files out of
> CVSNT server with different line endings, but the procedure will vary
> depending if the file should *always* have unix/linux line endings or if
> you just need them to have the 'wrong' line endings once because you've
> got a broken patch tool.

What I'm trying to archieve is to stop cvsnt from doing any line ending 
conversions "by default" because it has no way to know when such conversion 
is sane and when it's not.

About my setup:
cvsnt- as server

cvsnt- as client
cvs-1.12.13 as client

all on linux.

> Arthur Barrett

Arkadiusz Miƛkiewicz        PLD/Linux Team
arekm / maven.pl            http://ftp.pld-linux.org/
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