Bo Berglund wrote:

> In order not to double up the database access methods maybe something
> like this could be arranged:
> - a CVSNT API through which one could call the database write
> functions to create the entries CVSNT Audit normally does for CVS
> operations.
> - a CVSNT API through which one could get the data needed to be used
> for the above calls.
> Then the CVSNT settings for the Audit database would be used without
> the need for the external application to access the database directly
> and the data would be retrieved without needing to parse the RCS files
> directly.

In theory you could load the audit library yourself and do that - in 
cvsnt it's even a C interface so should be easy enough from delphi.

You could access the data with a combination of rlog and rdiff.. 
although not ideal as it involves text parsing it has the advantage you 
could even do it against an old cvs server.

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