Arthur Barrett wrote:
> Jørgen,
>>   This bug applies to CVSNT version 2.5.04 build 3236.
>>   If a module is checked out or updated, with the -r option, (for
>>   example: CVS up -r this-tag-does-not-exist mymodule) and the tag does
>>   not exist (maybe because you missplelled it) CVS will report every
>>   file in the module as "no longer in the repository" and DELETE the
>>   file from the sandbox!
>>   Previous releases of CVSNT - correctly - reports the non-existing tag
>>   as, well - non-existing: "no such tag this-tag-does-not-exist".
> To me the behaviour with 2.5.04 looks correct and the 2.5.03 behaviour 
> broken.
> What do other users think?

2.5.03 and before used to have to go away and search the entire 
repository just to give that message... it led to a number of posts on 
here as it could take many minutes to complete.

Even after that if the tag existed anywhere - even a completely 
different module - you'd get exactly the same behaviour as 2.5.04.  So 
the time spent was essentially wasted.

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