Hi Bo,

> >I just upgrade CVSNT from to and am having problems 
> >with the audit plugin.  Any commands give me the following error msg:
> >audit_trigger error (session): Commands out of sync;  You can't run this 
> >command now
> >Audit trigger initialiasation failed: Database initialisation failed
> >cvs rtag: Pre-command check failed
> >
> I cannot tell you exactly what you should do to fix the problem.
> Basically it depends very much on what database engine you are using
> and you have not specified this. I am using MSSQLServer and the
> discussion below is based on MSSQL.
> For other databases there are possibly other methods.
> However, the problem is that from 2.5.03 to 2.5.04 there were changes
> made to the audit database table *structure* and this will now cause
> the problems you have seen.


I am actually running MySQL 5.1, and after searching further, I noticed that 
the table structure for the SessionLog table was modified, so I manually 
modified the structure myself.  I renamed the Date field to StartTime and added 
in an EndTime field so that it matches the new structure properly.  However, 
that didn't particuarly help; the audit trigger still fails when Session 
logging is enabled.


I am trying to get the CVSNT_2_0_x branch to build successfully in Visual 
Studio to see if I can get the fix that Arthur reported added/merged into the 
branch if required.  Right now, I am having difficulty getting the project to 
compile properly (see my post on the dev list).  Once I get that up and 
running, I'll see if the fix mentioned in Arthur's post recitifies the 


Thanks for your insight.  If you have any clues what I can do to help config 
VS, let me know please.  I know you wrote that howto, but apparently, Arthur 
mentioned that it was outdated and no longer truly applicable.





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