Yet another test done on the non-domain-attached Win7 PC:

C:\Users\bob>set CVSROOT=:sspi:system3r\...@3rappl01:/3RProj

C:\Users\bob>cvs login
Logging in to :sspi:system3r\...@3rappl01:2401:/3RProj
CVS Password:

C:\Users\bob>cvs ls CVSROOT
Listing module: CVSROOT


So the trick was to explicitly use the domain\u...@server form of specification.

This was not required before from an XP workstation, at least not that I 

Bo Berglund
Automation Systems Development

-----Original Message-----
From: Bo Berglund 
Sent: den 12 oktober 2009 14:24
To: Bo Berglund; CVS-NT List (
Subject: RE: SSPI authentication from Windows7 client

I made another test:
With the help of the IT department I attached the Win7 workstation to our 
then I logged in using my domain account and tested with sspi.

This time it does work!

So at least we know that domain attached Win7 PC:s will be able to use the CVSNT

Bo Berglund
Automation Systems Development
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Bo 
Sent: den 12 oktober 2009 09:41
To: CVS-NT List (
Subject: Re: [cvsnt] SSPI authentication from Windows7 client

Now I am at work and I *cannot* see your reply from last week in my inbox.
It looks like whatever one does towards the cvsnt newsserver does NOT get 
relayed back to the mail list!

Anyway, you suggested that my problem was caused by my setting 
the Win7 PC workgroup name to the same as our domain (SYSTEM3R).
So this morning I have changed the workgroup to WRKGR3R and restarted Win7.

No difference at all!
This is what I get when I try:

C:\Users\bob>set CVSROOT=:sspi:3rappl01:/3RProj

C:\Users\bob>cvs ls CVSROOT
cvs [ls aborted]: Error reading from server 3rappl01: -1: Unknown error

C:\Users\bob>set CVSROOT=:sspi:b...@3rappl01:/3RProj

C:\Users\bob>cvs login
Logging in to :sspi:b...@3rappl01:2401:/3RProj
CVS Password:
cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server 3rappl01: -1: Unknown error

C:\Users\bob>set CVSROOT=:pserver:b...@3rappl01:/3RProj

C:\Users\bob>cvs ls CVSROOT
Listing module: CVSROOT


As you can see I *have* network connection but SSPI is not working!

I also tried one of the commands with tracing on:

C:\Users\bob>set CVSROOT=:sspi:3rappl01:/3RProj

C:\Users\bob>cvs -ttt ls CVSROOT
09:39:06:   -> Tracelevel set to 3.  PID is 4064
09:39:06:   -> Session ID is fe04ad2dd1a39b6
09:39:06:   -> Session time is Mon Oct 12 07:39:06 2009
09:39:06:   -> Loading protocol sspi as sspi.dll
09:39:06:   -> CLibraryAccess::Load loading C:\Programs\Cvsnt/protocols/sspi.dll

09:39:06:   -> main loop with CVSROOT=:sspi:3rappl01:/3RProj
cvs [ls aborted]: Error reading from server 3rappl01: -1: Unknown error

And to recapitulate, my CVSNT versions are as follows:

CVSNT Configuration information:
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382 
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382 

Bo Berglund

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Bo 
Sent: den 9 oktober 2009 13:29
To: CVS-NT List (
Subject: [cvsnt] SSPI authentication from Windows7 client

I tried posting a question about Win 7 on the cvsnt newsserver yesterday, but 
it seems like it is not relayed to the mailing list. :-(

So now I try to repeat the post from memory to hopefully get a solution 

I have created a development virtual machine (VMWare Workstation 6.5.3) with 
Windows 7 Enterprise RTM.
Here I have installed all of the dev tools we use in the company (Delphi 
compiler, WinCvs, CVSNT Client etc).

When I go to check out a project module from our corporate CVSNT server I fail 
to get connection to the server.
I get an exit error code -1 and server rejected connection message...

I have tried the following CVSROOT settings:
  :SSPI:cvsserver:/Repo       (any cvs command using this root fails)

C:\Users\bob>cvs -d :sspi:3rappl01:/3RProj ls
cvs [ls aborted]: Error reading from server 3rappl01: -1: Unknown error

  :SSPI:u...@cvsserver:/Repo  (in this case I have first issued the cvs login 
command but it too fails)

C:\Users\bob>cvs -d :sspi:b...@3rappl01:/3RProj login
Logging in to :sspi:b...@3rappl01:2401:/3RProj
CVS Password:
cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server 3rappl01: -1: Unknown error

Since I have set up one single pserver user also on this server I next tested 

Now I was able to first do cvs login and then check out the module I needed.

Here is an ls command example
C:\Users\bob>cvs -d :pserver:b...@3rappl01:/3RProj ls CVSROOT
Listing module: CVSROOT


So by bypassing built-in authentication with SSPI it is possible to use CVSNT 
from Windows7.
This is not a valid scenario in our case though because I am the only person 
with a pserver login (being the CVS admin). All standard users are supposed to 
use SSPI.
Since they are still now on XP-Pro it is not a big deal yet, but when migrating 
to new PC:s with Win7 it may become a problem.

CVSNT Configuration information:
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382 
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382 

Workstation configuration:
OS: Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit RTM
Connected to a workgroup with the same name as the domain (we can't attach 
virtual machines to the domain)
Account on Win7 created with the exact same username/password as exists on the 

So this raises some interesting questions concerning the CVSNT connectivity and 
- In XP SSPI works fine provided that the XP machine is attached to the domain 
the server is attached to
- But it also works fine if the XP PC is attached to a workgroup by the same 
name as the domain and the local user account uses the same login name and 
password as on the domain.
- On Windows 7 it seems like it is not possible to use SSPI in either mode

What is the alternative solution to this dilemma?

Bo Berglund
Automation Systems Development

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