On Mon, 22 Jul 2003, Robert Collins wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 06:27, Robb, Sam wrote:
> > It looks like setup.exe is downloading the wrong source
> > packages if a package has a "test" entry in setup.ini.
> >
> > You can confirm this by doing a default installation,
> > setting the installation type to "Download from Internet",
> > and asking setup to download the source package for
> > zlib-1.1.4-1 (for example).
> Can you confirm this:
> delete your setup.log and setup.log.full.
> run with the latest snapshot, and then post:
> your setup.log
> setup.log.full
> the setup.ini's that setup placed in the directory cache with the
> mistmatched tarballs..

I've been downloading 'src' packages for (nearly) all test packages that have
been released and haven't come accross this (with latest stable setup) version
mismatch. Just for clarity, I tried with the latest snapshot (2.364) too, and
I get the same behaviour...it works as it should.


Elfyn McBratney, EMCB  |  http://www.nongnu.org/wwwauth/
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