On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 06:53:59PM -0700, David Rothenberger wrote:
> >Christopher Faylor wrote:
> >> [snip]
> >> I appreciate the research *very* much but this is not the appropriate
> >> mailing list for this.
> >> 
> >> I wouldn't bother to comment but I would hate to see a bunch of "This is
> >> just for Corinna for when she gets back" messages here in the next N
> >> weeks.
> >
> >Sorry about the mistake.  I just wanted to tie the thread started here,
> >which
> >reported the problem and to which Corinna responded, with my research on
> >the main list.
> >
> >I do understand that problem reports go to the main list, even for apps.
> Actually, now that I've generated a fix for the problem, as it turns
> out, this *is* an issue for cygwin-apps.
> Fixing the problem requires generating a new DLL with a new export --
> fdopen64.  If there are any packages built which use fdopen they could
> conceivably fail in the same manner as patch.  Sigh.
> This means that we may have to go through the "rebuild packages" exercise
> again for cygwin 1.5.1.  I will release a 1.5.1 version of cygwin shortly
> after generating a snapshot.
> I'll also rebuild patch, in Corinna's absence, fwiw.


> David, I am very glad that you took the time to track this problem down.
> If I had stuck with my original plan and let Corinna deal with it when she
> got back, then there is a possibility that more packages would have been
> ported and more people would conceivably have to duplicate some effort.

Very good catch David!


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