I have noticed interesting thing with 2.340.2.5 setup.exe

    1. remove /usr/src
    2. symlink it to some other partition 
       (current locaton ran out of space)
    3. start setup.exe
    4. Update packages

    The setup.exe has created hard wired /usr/src and the symlink
    is shadowed by it

    $ ls /usr/src displays empty

    But if you do:

    $ rmdir /usr/src

    Than the already active symlink comes to the arena and you 
    list it as usual

    $ ls /usr/src

    It might be good idea if this same happens with CVS setup.exe


Swatch  @time http://www.ryanthiessen.com/swatch/resources.htm
Convert @time http://www.mir.com.my/iTime/itime.htm

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