On Mon, 6 Oct 2003, Daniel Reed wrote:

> On 2003-10-06T15:20+0100, Morrison, John wrote:
> ) ==========================================================================
> ) Information in this email and any attachments are confidential, and may
> ) not be copied or used by anyone other than the addressee, nor disclosed
> ) to any third party without our permission. There is no intention to
> ) create any legally binding contract or other binding commitment through
> ) the use of this electronic communication unless it is issued in accordance
> ) with the Experian Limited standard terms and conditions of purchase or
> ) other express written agreement between Experian Limited and the recipient
> ) Experian Limited (registration number 653331)
> ) Registered office: Talbot House, Talbot Street, Nottingham NG1 5HF
> Can you clarify this note, or was its inclusion a mistake? Any message sent
> to the cygwin-apps mailing list will be archived and made publicly available
> via both an email and web interface. Additionally, if you were intending to
> propose a package (or at least show a formal intent to package), some of the
> content of your message will be reproduced in a pending packages list, and
> possibly other publicly accessible forms.

I don't think he has any control over it. It appears a lot of
employers something along these lines to any delivered e-mail.

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