On 2010/04/13 2:14 PM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> On 2010-04-13 14:51,
> d.sastre.medina-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org wrote:


>> I have been trying to figure out the right way to rebuild this package
>> from the upstream sources, but I come across this particularities:
>>    -the upstream sources are already distributed in *.run format,
>>    meaning they are packaged using makeself.
> That is a bit tricky, but almost always is there another way to get the
> sources.  In this case you can just get them from the git repo.

I see no need to get tricky here. You can just download the official
sources .run file, and unpack it by running it. The default bash
environment of a base Cygwin install should be capable of running it.
The file unpacks itself into a directory named 'makeself-2.1.5' whose
contents can then be massaged into a suitable directory tree.


> cygport isn't mandatory, but it is strongly recommended (although I am
> biased :-)).

I heartily agree with this recommendation, and I am not nearly so biased.


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